Masturbation as a teen increases penis size
I’d like to explore a theory I have that the more you masturbated as a teenager the bigger dick you have. I only have my experiences and a couple of close friends to go on but I think there is something to this. I started fairly young about eleven or twelve and remember “doing myself” at least once a day, sometimes a lot more, distinctly the first time I saw porn, 11x in a day! The point is I never held back or thought it was “wrong” My bf was the opposite and although taller than me and a bigger build he has a smaller dick. He’s also responding very well to PE, which makes me think his penis was a little neglected in his early teens, less bloodflow, circulation etc.
This runs counter intuitive to main stream religion and to a lesser extent popular culture. As a kid the term “wanker” always confused me, if its ok to do then why is it a commonly used insult?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if wanking was actually good for male sexual health?
However at 30 I do believe theres benefits to resisting, it seems to make me more alert in everyday life and a more affectionate partner.