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Measuring flaccid length


Measuring flaccid length

First up, what in the bloody hell has one got to do before he can post in the Main Member’s Forum? I’d have thought I’d jumped through all necessary hoops several times over by now.

Anyway, a question, please: How do you measure NBPFL?

If you hold your dick at 90 degrees from your body and measure along the top, it is not as long as if hanging naturally. And if you lift it to something above horizontal, it’s shorter.

Also, for those who are uncut or restored — do you measure to the end of your glans or to the end of your foreskin? I have been measuring to the end of my foreskin and letting my dick hang naturally. However, this gives me an advantage over those who are cut to the tune of maybe 12 mm (1/2”) if held horizontal and only measuring to the end of my glans.

Has a standard been set?

Last edited by RickM : 01-04-2010 at .

I think you can only eyeball flaccid length. Too many variables; mood temp, hydration, dehydration, not to mention rough sex, and/or PE trauma. Probably the only accurate flaccid measurement would be BPFSL. But I understand your concern. I place more value in flaccid length gains than BPEL gains by far. Flaccid size is what most women, or men judge your size by.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

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As far as measuring your flaccid size, you should measure to the tip of your gland not the skin.

Originally Posted by zabora
… .As far as measuring your flaccid size, you should measure to the tip of your glans not the skin.

OK, hanging naturally or held horizontally?

Contrary to what Big Girtha says I reckon it should be not bone pressed because that is what others see. What do you reckon?

And I assume the measurement should be along the top?

As for things that can affect flaccid length listed by Big Girtha, sure, they’re all true. However, my experience is that there is a tyical size — the one my wife is most likely to see (or the guys in the gym change room/sauna)

Last, can someone set a standard here that we all try to follow.

Yeah I measure along the top, but not bone pressed.

There’s no real standard, since there’s SO many variables. Also a lot of people don’t seem to care or measure FL at all. Personally I don’t measure foreskin, but I do pull it back before measuring, which pushes the glans forward about as much as is lost by the foreskin, if that makes sense.

If you want a measurement that you can get a reasonably reliable reading from I suggest measuring your flaccid length several times a day, as many as once an hour, then take an average.

If you do that you should at least be able to keep track of your flaccid gains. I know I’ve seen significant flaccid gains, certainly more than erect gains. I can tell this more than anything by feel.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Yeah I measure along the top, but not bone pressed.

There’s no real standard, since there’s SO many variables. Also a lot of people don’t seem to care or measure FL at all. Personally I don’t measure foreskin, but I do pull it back before measuring, which pushes the glans forward about as much as is lost by the foreskin, if that makes sense.

If you want a measurement that you can get a reasonably reliable reading from I suggest measuring your flaccid length several times a day, as many as once an hour, then take an average.

If you do that you should at least be able to keep track of your flaccid gains. I know I’ve seen significant flaccid gains, certainly more than erect gains. I can tell this more than anything by feel.

Thanks for that, Tweaking. Most appreciated. Some comments:

1. I reckon flaccid length is equally important as erect length as it is what most others see. Erect length, in my case anyway, is limited to my wife who really doesn’t care and is opposed to me doing anything with my dick. So, I do PE in secret.

2. I am cut, but restored. Being restored, my foreskin does not easily fall back and cover my glans — it’s fairly loose. I was not aware that the uncut foreskin could act the way you have described. Thanks for sharing that. Having said that, I do notice in the gym change room that some uncut guys are fairly loose too and suspect that their retracted foreskin would not push their glans forward at all like you described, but really don’t know and have not asked (I wouldn’t ask except through a forum like this one). An interesting thought anyway. I also note from porn images that some guys foreskins are relatively tight and easily cover their glans when erect — I wish. I can pull it over, but it’ll fall back as soon as I move.

3. I still reckon we need some sort of standard though so when I say my NBPFL is a certain length, those who want to are comparing apples with apples if you get my drift. No body can do anything with BPEL if the foreskin is pulled back. We’re all on the same page.

So, my suggestion:

1. The standard is NBP

2. Measurement is along the top of the dick with it hanging naturally.

3. Measurement is to the end of the glans only. Those who are uncut and with relatively tight foreskins that push the glans forward, should estimate it’s true position.

4. At least four measurements are made each day over two days with each not being taken within 36 hours of any PE and no two measurements taken within two hours of a previous one and an average is taken, i.e. at least 8 measurements.

What’cha think?

Last edited by RickM : 01-04-2010 at .

Originally Posted by zabora

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As far as measuring your flaccid size, you should measure to the tip of your gland not the skin.

Exactly. Thanks.

marinera, you are welcome


The main reason we take measurement should be for us, doing PE to see if we have gained. That is why measuring BP is most preferred, because it helps us to be consistent with our measurement. But having said that I believe measuring FL should be done like you pointed out, along the top hanging naturally. This means that measuring BPFL can be a little bit difficult. So it is best to measure both BPFL and NBPFL.

Since you value your FL, I recommend that you try out PE weights because it will help you a lot with your FL gains. There are a few threads here, where people have reported good gains from using it. Big Girtha is a huge fan.

Originally Posted by zabora
… . Since you value your FL, I recommend that you try out PE weights because it will help you a lot with your FL gains. There are a few threads here, where people have reported good gains from using it. Big Girtha is a huge fan.

I’ve read many of these and intend buying some stuff from monkeybars in about a month when I visit the US and can disguise the purchase as a travel expense. I’m one of those who do it in stealth

What I do sometimes is measure from it’s hanged position. So angle your ruler to measure how much flaccid dick the lady will see haha.

First Measurement November 1 2009: EBPL 7.5

Current Measurement June 1st 2010: EBPL 8.0

Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches || EBPL Long Term Goal:9 inches EBPL

Rick M,

That’s a good idea, it will be a good for you to pick every PE arsenal you can while over there. Like a hanger (BIB or Vac) in case you decide to hang in the future.

Originally Posted by zabora
That’s a good idea, it will be a good for you to pick every PE arsenal you can while over there. Like a hanger (BIB or Vac) in case you decide to hang in the future.

Yeah, and what do I say to the Customs guys when I come back into Oz and he goes right through my baggage (lol). I jest! But I am going to get a fleshlight and pump cylinder as well as the monkey bars stuff. Seems if I do it water-filled, I can use my mouth for an adequate pump.

It won’t be a problem if it’s in your luggage not hand-luggage.

I would measure flaccid at the horizontal plane, not the hang. It’s very hard to accurately measure hang due to the angles involved, and it won’t be a good comparison to other people. That’s what I think anyway.

I’d suggest using a tape measure on top of the penis with it hanging down in its “natural” position. Since it’s a bit hard to get an accurate reading in that position (without altering body position which might distort the reading) it’s probably best to snap a pic using a camera and check the measurement on the pic (or pics if we go by MickM’s time-consuming method in item 4 above).

But I for one don’t really care for FL any more. Sure, it’s how the small part of the world that does get to see us naked perceive us but I don’t think there are more than fleeting glances in the typical locker room, mainly for fear of being caught staring at another man’s penis. That said my FL looks pretty good to me so maybe that’s why the measurement thing doesn’t really mean anything to me.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

I also use a tailor’s tape to measure my flaccid length hanging down in its natural position. I measure purely to track my gains, not to compare with others.

With the tailor’s tape, I know I am being consistent with my measurement.

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