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Measuring Girth

Measuring Girth

Alright, I measured girth today with dental floss, which I marked 4.9-5.2, so I could see my new girth. Anyway, It didn’t change, decreased if anything. But my question is, would using dental floss give you less of a girth measurement then say a tape ruler? Just wondering, I know it’s within .1 but hey I just wanna make sure! If anybody has both to measure with and then respond that would be great. THANKS

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

How can you mark “between 4.9 and 5.2” with a piece of floss? The floss would be one solid measurement, not a range of 0.3”.

As for differences, could be one of several reasons. Slightly different erection level, slightly different place on the shaft, measuring tighter/looser, etc.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Be sure you’re not stretching the floss. The Oral B stuff I’m checking right now seems to stretch about a quarter inch when I tug a six inch length.

Ideally, you need to find a length of something that is one single strand and not wound at all. That’s why those cloth or plastic measuring tapes used for sewing are good — they don’t stretch.

We had a rambling discussion about measuring disparities a few years ago: Measuring girth

The most important thing here, for your own purposes and sanity, is consistency. Settle on a measuring technique using string, tape or whatever, and stick with it.

Last edited by Ike : 03-02-2006 at .

Easy enough to find out if the floss and a tape are the same. Just make your own tape. Cut a strip of paper say 10 inches long and 1/2 inch wide and make your same marks at 4.5-5.5, or whatever. Instant tape measure!

Good idea! Boy I hoped this floss stretched!

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

What do you say about using toilet paper as a measure.. It’s soft and you can make a mark to it by using a pen. After that you can use your measuring tape and get your scores from the paper. It takes time and it’s a lot of fun.

I use printer paper.. ahah.
But honestly, it’s very effective, common, doesn’t stretch, fits snug around shaft..

Another very viable option that I’m looking at right now is taking tape (Cloth, prefferably) and folding it over or joining 2 sides so it’s not sticky and marking it.. That would be very bendable though unstretchable.

Thinner measuring tools is often better, when I measure I tug so it’s definitely got 0 slack but I try not to actually squeeze the skin.

Ikes right, Your not competing here I hope so measure what it really is and don’t give yourself slack to say ooooh look I hit 5.5” girth, measure it right and measure it the same way every time that’s the only way to truly record your gains.

Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures

I don’t see why you guys don’t just go buy a tape like they use at a fabric store.

Originally Posted by SNM
I don’t see why you guys don’t just go buy a tape like they use at a fabric store.

I think there is an innate fear in man of going into the sewing section of a public store. :)

But if you buy it in Wal Mart, it’s not so bad. :D

Originally Posted by gprent
I think there is an innate fear in man of going into the sewing section of a public store. :)

Not quite the same thing, but I went through Michael’s looking for flower arrangement stuff and art supplies. When I told the clerk I was making a Valentine’s Day present, I got some serious “awww” factor. Never underestimate the value of spin doctoring seemingly feminine activities as male sensitivity. Just don’t be too sensitive.

As far as tape measures go, you can get a couple free one’s at Ikea. S’what I use, and I know I’ve seen several members post pics with those cheap, disposable, paper ones.

11/2/05 5'8; 180 lbs, 35 waist BPEL-7.2, NBPEL- 6.0 EG- 5.0-midshaft There is the man I am, and the man I can be. Someday, they'll meet.

You can get cloth tapes at any dollar store.

Alright, thanks for the great advice guys.

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

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