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Modified vac extender question

Modified vac extender question

One quick question for anyone who has or has used the vac extender. I bought the modified vac extender from monkeybar a few months ago. I will be going on vacation for 4 weeks and I can’t take the extender with me. Will wearing the vac extender with the ring attached to the base of the penis and wrapped around the waist make the penis curve to the left/right depending the direction I use?

Alright thanks.

I switch directions every hour or so. Also, the metal ring supplied with the Vac extender was uncomfortable for me, so I use a Kirsch (wood) pole ring made for hanging draperies. It has a 1.8” diameter hole and has a 0.5” diameter body. They are available at Penney’s Draperies Dept. And cost about $10.00 for seven. I know, you only need one but they wouldn’t sell me just one. I attach it using a short piece of small nylon rope between the ring and the clip.

Instead of the ring, I often use a long sock tied into a ring. It makes a nice soft bump for my dick to lay across, and kind of acts like a fulcrum.

I agree pulling to one side doesn’t curve your penis.

Horny Bastard

Thanks for the great ideas guys greatly appreciated.

Hopefully this thread is still active.
is there a “best” location for where to wear the ring?
I have just recently started wearing it mid dick but not sure it that is better or worse than wearing it at the base.
Any opinions?

How much pressure do you guys use. They say light pressure is ok, I just don’t know how to “determine” what light pressure is?

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

There is probably extra stress right at the point where the ring is in contact, so it might be beneficial to vary the location.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
There is probably extra stress right at the point where the ring is in contact, so it might be beneficial to vary the location.

Thank you,
I am trying to figure out what a good technique would be.

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Would this work with the Sizegenetics extender ?

And what size does the “vacuum cap” thing support?

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