Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Moist Heat IS secret ingredient

Originally Posted by saiyan22
Hey skeebo. CREEP is basically temperary deformation of soft tissue from stretch forces placed on to it. CREEP is what soft tissue goes through before it hits plastic deformation. Say for example that your bone press flaccid stretch is 7 inches without any manipulation. Know lets say after 3 hours of hanging now your penis can stretch out to 7.3 inches. The reason for this is because of CREEP. The tissues in the penis slowly CREPT beyond it’s elastic limit from 7 inches to 7.3 inches during the 3 hours of hanging. CREEP however is not perminant and if no other hanging was done after that day then your new bone pressed flaccid stretch of 7.3 inches will go back down to 7 inches within a hour or two. After so many days, weeks or months of your penis constantley going into the CREEP phase hitting 7.3 inches stretched length from it’s orginal 7 inches stretched length, the tissues will eventually break through the CREEP phase into the plastic deformation phase. The plastic deformation phase is the main goal to reach and in my opinon is responsible for the size increase in one’s penis. But before plastic deformation takes place the tissues have to go through the CREEP phase and the quickiest way to hit CREEP aka termporary deformation is with constant heat applyied to the tissues.

The CREEP Phase is also a good reason why wearing an ADS after a PE session is so important. The ADS will keep the penis’s CREPT length in place while healing and celluar remodeling takes place increasing the chance of perminant deformation.

Hey saiyan,

Are you saying that your ADS should keep you stretched to the absolute maximum (in your example: 7.3”)? Or is just a good stretch sufficient enough for the deformation and repair to take place? Thanks,

Saiyan you seem to have hit it on the spot

Skepticall: my stretch routines will take anywhere from 20-30 mins. From my experience so far, anthing over 30 minutes results in tugback of the tunica. Also, out of this 20-30 mmins, alot of it is heating time as well, so actual stretching is actually in the range of 15-20 mins.

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0


With what Saiyan said I think it’s important you stretch gently and sloooowly build up. You want your penis to adapt not resist change. Low increments over a period of time is what will I believe the best benefit as also just like loosing weight, you lose weight to fast your body wants to put it right back on to where it was before because it hasn’t adapted yet. And another example, not sure if you work out or do weight training but smaller increment jumps of 1-5 lbs will result in greater results instead of working and then doing a 10lb jump on an exercise and possibly hurting yourself. You try to stretch to hard to fast your body doesn’t have time to relearn and if you stop PE’ing for an extended amount of time I feel your body will want to revert quickly to it’s known size. (I do realize dieting/excercise and the penis are different so take it with a grain of salt but it shows how the body resist change instead of adapting)

Start 01/10: BPEL - 5.6875" EG - 4.250" | Current: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 4.375"

Short Term Goal: BPEL - 6.5" EG - 5.0" | Long Term Goal: BPEL - 7.5" EG - 5.5"

Hey shortshorts. In my 7.3 CREPT stretched length example with the ads you want to use enough consistant force to were the tunica’s tissue mass is not folded up or turtled way below it’s elastic limit. So if your usual flacid stretch is 7 inches and after 3 hours of hanging your flaccid CREEPS up to 7.3 inches then an ADS that keeps your penis stretched from 6.5 - the new creeped 7.3 inches is ideal.

I’ll use myself as an example. My flaccid length is normally 5-6 inches depending on the weather. My bpfls is 10 inches however my ADS keeps me stretched to 8.5-8.6 inches with 2.17 pounds for 4-8 hours a day in between my hanging sessions. This increases the chances of the CREEP aka temporary deformation reached through the hanging sessions to become permanent.
I do however think that if you wear an ADS that keeps your penis at its maximum stretched length for extended periods of time your chances of deforming the tissue is a lot better. So for example if your normal flacid stretch is 7 inches and you reach a flaccid stretch of 7.3 inches through the creep phase and you hold that new stretch length with an ADS then that drastically increase the chances that the CREPT 7.3 inch flaccid stretched length becomes perminant over time.
When I buy some of Monty’s PE weights I plan on wearing enough weights to keep my maximum flaccid stretch length of 10 inches engaged for 8 hours a day.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Wow that sounds intense. Thanks for the replies. I am definitely going to work my way up slowly.

Freakin A you guys are definitely on to something with this…I just finished my first session involving constant moist heat and the benefits and improvements are immediately shown. I can easily say that I have had the best session in my 2+ years of PE. The things that have changed from this session from my previous ones are that:

- The moist heat allows me to get a much better grip on my penis when I stretch (I no longer worry about it slipping through my hands)
- As has been stated already, I can stretch my unit longer due to being more elastic with the heat
- I can pull somewhat harder and still remain perfectly comfortable without any discomfort/pain

There are others but I just listed the most important ones I guess. The biggest surprise of all came during my edging (I edge for about 10 minutes after every PE session) and I am pleased to note that I had a temporary showing of 7.30” NBP. Before today I would consider myself lucky if my temporary length would increase to 7.125” but the new length just came out of nowhere like it was nothing and needless to say I was very excited. Looks like I will be making moist heat a part of each routine and hopefully it can yield some permanent gains soon. :) This thread has been a lot of help.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

Good to hear skeebo. Yeah man heat especially moist heat is definently a important component when it comes to producing CREEP and plastic deformation with the least amount of strucural damage to the soft tissues of the tunica and ligaments. Trust me skeebo, that temporary increase to nbpel 7.30 you’ve experianced will turn into perminant gains with time and consistancy.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Skeebo have you been using an IR lamp during your entire workout? I would assume that the IR lamp would be just as good if not better than the moist heat.

I just started using an IR lamp during my workouts and I really like it. I now warm up with a heat pad, then workout in front of the IR lamp. I am going to try warming up with a moist heat pad now though.

I have not used an IR lamp but from what I have read, it is one of the better methods of keeping warm. What I do is more like what persian does. I warm up with a cup of warm water for about 5-7 minutes (my regular warm up), then I do my normal stretches for 2-4 minutes (or until it starts feeling cool), then I wrap my dick in a very warm cloth for 1-2 minutes to make sure that is stays warm. I thought it was going to be really tedious but it wasn’t. I basically just repeat that process until my routine is finished then I go on to my edging and then do my normal warm down. I have not tried this yet with my clamping as that is not until later tonight after work.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

I spend at least 15-20 mins per day in the bath of hot water, before and after PE, hanging jelqing pumping and a ADS, It’s worked for me!

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

The secret might be the conscious application of heat every two minutes. I use an IR lamp and have noticed that while jelqing and during certain stretches, my penis cools down. If I continue exercising after it has cooled, am I really doing the workout justice?

Perhaps the difference between IR and moist heat is moot? Maybe the heat breaks are what is doing the trick for people.

Originally Posted by skeebo
I have not tried this yet with my clamping as that is not until later tonight after work.

Hey skeebo, I think with clamping, doing the heating between the sets would be ideal, but I dont think heating would be as crucial and such a high priority as it is for stretching. Tell me how it goes anyways

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0

Originally Posted by Thibulous
The secret might be the conscious application of heat every two minutes. I use an IR lamp and have noticed that while jelqing and during certain stretches, my penis cools down. If I continue exercising after it has cooled, am I really doing the workout justice?

Perhaps the difference between IR and moist heat is moot? Maybe the heat breaks are what is doing the trick for people.

How do you cool down with the IR lamp on your groin? Doesn’t make sense

Originally Posted by shortshorts
How do you cool down with the IR lamp on your groin? Doesn’t make sense

The problem with IR lamps is that the penis side which isnt exposed to the light get no heat therefore is cooled. I own an IR lamp, the heat it gives off just doesnt feel like the moist heat from a hot cloth which soaks your penis and gives it that very malleable texture.

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0

If anything blocks the surface being heated (such as a jelqing hand) then the surface starts to cool - so you can imagine what 2 handed jelqs do for the penis temp when the top of your hand is constantly blocking your shaft. The IR light has to have direct continuous contact with the surface of whatever it is heating. The penis seems to cool down pretty quickly.

Yes, the IR doesn’t heat the bottom of the penis as well either - for the same reason. I started rolling my penis back and fourth to get the whole thing warmed up and have found that I can get that thing piping hot through and through with the IR without much fuss.

The problem with moist heat is that it is a little messier and takes more upkeep (to keep the hot water hot). The IR is a little easier for me cause it just stays hot and doesn’t drip.

You can probably get a good heat out of either if you practice good heat technique keeping in mind the strenghts and weaknesses of either method. My guess is that it is a preference thing. Then again, the only damp heat I’ve used recently is stupid hot shower water : ) I’ll have to check it out.

I really like the idea of reheating much more frequently. I think that’s gold in and of itself.


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