Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Moist Heat IS secret ingredient

Perhaps taking a wash cloth, soaked in hot water, wrung out then covered with the heating pad will do. I’ll give it a shot after I get my HC Bib. Taking a few days off so this bump goes away. I think it’s a thrombosed vein.

Originally Posted by 17ml
I spend at least 15-20 mins per day in the bath of hot water, before and after PE, hanging jelqing pumping and a ADS, It’s worked for me!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Catalyst.

I’d buy a hot tub, put it smack dab in the middle of the living room, and PE and sit in that thing in front of the TV for hours.

17ml is a fucking anomaly, and I don’t think it’d be wise to just brush it off and not take a deeper look into his experience. The amount of girth and length the man has gained (with concrete pictures to back it up) is just simply astounding. I knew it - the heat, it was always the goddamn heat! Maybe we need to hear from cool-downers as well but for the time being, if you need me, I’ll be in the bathtub. Now to construct a laptop bathtub contraption for porn, PE, and the internet. If I don’t ever post again, I have probably accidentally killed myself through electrocution. Wish me luck.

Originally Posted by persian
I have been doing PE on and off for the last year. Doing it in 2-3 month periods then stopping, then starting again. My routine consists of stretching Jelqing, squeezes and clamping.

Over this perioid I have tried different methods of heating, from warm water, IR lamp to wet cloth. Well in the last month I have gained almost half an inch in length and I attribute this to applying consistent heat during my stretch sessions, and I don’t mean heat comiog from an IR lamp. In this last month I kept wrapping my cock with a hot cloth after every 2 minutes of stretching. This ensured that it stayed hot and moist which allowed me to really stretch the tunica via reverse-v stretches. I immediatelly did the reverse-v’s when taking the cloth off, and as soon as my dick colled down a little I would do some lig pulls, then reheat with the warm moist cloth again, doing this for 20 minutes.

I now believe that one is wasting alot of time and energy by stretching a cooled down dick as I think we not only need the heat, but the moisture as well, in our penises, so that the collagen becomes malleable. Maybe for lig stretches too much heat might not be neccessary, but to actually extend and lengthen the tunica, moist heat is defenitly a must, maybe more important then the actual technique used, IMO.

I think you hit the nail on the “head” (lol ouch!) no seriously though, I have tried both ways now, it seems that my penis is able to expand and stretch allot further , and I mean further. In a semi erect state I can stretch my penis out to about 6 3/4 to 7 1/4 inch when there is constant heat on it. For this reason I have started doing all my exercises in the shower with it hot enough to produce steam. If the water gets to hot then I step out of the shower and the room is still allot warm then “room temperature” because of the steam. I also try to keep my penis warm for at least 10 minutes after girth exercises so the blood stays in my penis longer and the expansion I have just done doesn’t go away as fast.

An alternative to doing PE in the shower would be just doing it in the bathroom beside the sink, everytime you need to heat your penis just let the hot water run as your stretching. When its hot enough, put a cloth under the hot water then put the cloth on your penis.

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0

Here’s an experiment I’m going to try: Buy a chamois (you know, a Shammy - but not a Sham Wow.) And use that as a wrap, soaked in hot water. The chamois itself is probably one of the most perfect wraps since it is a type of leather and will react like skin. Soak that bad boy in hot water after a moist warm up and see if it helps. What can it hurt? I’ll experiment and post back.

This is how I started with PE. I didn’t have an IR lamp, or any other method to warm up. So I’ve just filled a plastic cup of water as hot as I can get it. Submerge my member for 3-4 minutes. The only difference is I do this before I jelq, or stretch, but I never reheat during the sessions.

Refilling it throughout the routine sounds like a good idea.

I’ve tried heat from other sources, but it never feels like it’s warmed up evenly. When I take a shower I can withstand the hottest water on my member, but it’s too much for my legs, nuts, etc. haha

So the cup method is really the only way to do this for me. As awkward as it is to sit there for 4mins with you dick in a cup of water. :)

Start: Dec 2009 - 5.75 [BPEL] x 5.25 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

April 2010 - 6.00 [BPEL x 5.3 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

Current Goal: - 7.00 NBPEL x 5.75 [MSEG & BASE]

I had used hot water to warm/soak a face towel in the bathroom sink over the years. This year I used a gel pack wrapped in a damp towel. That works well for heating pre workout. I would apply heat for 10 minutes. I actually saw a 1/8” gain in my FSBPL for January too (unless there was a measurement error).

Heating the gel pack does not seem efficient to me. Also, I have to heat it in the kitchen, and I think that my roommates will start to wonder what I’m actually up to with that gel pack. So, I’m considering buying an IR lamp. Any good lamp recommendations?

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Originally Posted by Kojack10
Also, I have to heat it in the kitchen, and I think that my roommates will start to wonder what I’m actually up to with that gel pack.

lol that is exactly what happened to me during my last year of college. I just told them that it was to help rehab my knee that I had surgery on (which was the truth, but I also used it for PE).

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |

6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

I have never used heat in any of my exercises and have gained just shy 2 inches in length and about an inch and half in girth. Size change occurs so sporadicly that it is difficult to attribute any improvements to exercise changes. I plateaued for three years and then one day I am noticing another half inch of growth, so these things are quite unpredictable. Heat is a meaningless ingredient to me and my experience indicates good growth without it.

Kountrykarl, you must be one of the lucky few who were born with only one tunica layer. Congrats! ;)

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by Kountrykarl
I have never used heat in any of my exercises and have gained just shy 2 inches in length and about an inch and half in girth. Size change occurs so sporadicly that it is difficult to attribute any improvements to exercise changes. I plateaued for three years and then one day I am noticing another half inch of growth, so these things are quite unpredictable. Heat is a meaningless ingredient to me and my experience indicates good growth without it.

You seem pretty adamant that heat is not a requirement and whether it can aid in gains may be debatable but by far the majority here would agree that it can help to prevent injuries. There are too many newbies on these boards reporting injuries…some apparently serious. I hope they heed the recommendation to warm up properly.

We could drive our vehicle for a lifetime without a seatbelt and maybe 1 out of 100 of us gets into a serious accident causing permanent injury or possibly death. I’ll continue to wear my seatbelt even if it does wrinkle my tie thank you very much.

In PE, if I can reduce the likelihood of injury and possibly promote faster gains I’ll sacrifice the extra 15 minutes and warm up.

What’s the frequence to warm up constantly? Every 2 minutes?

(Excuse my bad English)


START ■ 09/16 BPEL: 16.5 cm, EG: 13.2 cm ■ ■ CURRENT: BPEL: 17.7 cm, EG: 13.5 cm

☆☆GOAL: +20 cm BPEL, +15 cm EG☆☆

Originally Posted by Willholic
What’s the frequence to warm up constantly? Every 2 minutes?
(Excuse my bad English)

speaking only from my own experience, constantly having a warm and moist dick, has resulted in faster gains. The penis just feels more maleable and just feels right, I hate stretching a dry dick, feels like Im not stretching the insides. I believe that your just pulling your penis out when you stretch it when its dry and cool, but I feel that You are actually stretching the tissues when when it is warm and moist.

Now: NBPEL = 6.4 MSEG = 5.3 BEG = 5.75

Goals: NBPEL = 7.0 MSEG = 6.0

I guess if it “feels good,” do it.

Originally Posted by Kountrykarl

I have never used heat in any of my exercises and have gained just shy 2 inches in length and about an inch and half in girth. Size change occurs so sporadicly that it is difficult to attribute any improvements to exercise changes. I plateaued for three years and then one day I am noticing another half inch of growth, so these things are quite unpredictable. Heat is a meaningless ingredient to me and my experience indicates good growth without it.

But maybe if you had used heat, you may have gained 4 inches in length and 3 inches in girth. :-,


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