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Morning Shrinkage

Morning Shrinkage

Anyone here, particuliarly someone who has 1 year or more experience with PE, ever went through a time where you have shrinkage upon waking up in the morning? I’ve been having it almost every day for like a year or 2. Even after I take a hot shower it doesn’t go away for a couple more hours. From what I understand your body temperature is lower in the morning and testosterone is higher. My house is usually between 78 and 84 degrees when I wake up also. I had my testosterone measured not too long ago and it was at the lowest level within the range if I remember. I thought maybe I could have a slightly low thyroid and the temperature drop in the morning could be meshing with that to cause this but I don’t know. My doctor ran a standard thyroid test and it was negative. I was having problems with being too cold all the time and I was asking about that on here too. But I stopped taking any kind of prescription drug whatsoever and seemed to have improved quite a bit. Either that or I just can’t tell the difference now that’s it’s summer.

Does anyone know what this could be from? I was starting to get paranoid that it could be a PE caused injury. But the most intense technique I’ve used is jelqing with too much of an erection once or twice and maybe stretching too hard.

I really appreciate the help I’ve gotten from this forum. Not just the knowledge of PE that’s on here, but also the health information, referrals, and opinions.

Sounds like you might be doing too much PE. A good jelqing routine should have you waking up with regular morning wood. Start doing bed fowfers if you can. I feel they are directly responsible for my bigger flaccid, especially in the morning. They should definitely help with your morning shrinkage.

What is your routine?

I’ve actually been having this problem while going weeks and months sometimes without any PE at all. I’ve been trying to get all my cold related and medicine related symptoms under control before I start up PE again. Last night I did do 75 jelqs however. But another interesting thing is I actually had morning wood today. There’s still cold shrinkage though when I get out of bed and it lasts over an hour. I kind of think that it shrinks while I have an erection too. Obviously not compared to flaccid, but after I’ve had an erection for a couple minutes it loses girth. And it did while I was jelqing yesterday. About an hour after I jelqed it improved to fuller than normal flaccid.

I just read a couple threads about venous leaks. Is that a possibility here? It would explain why the problem isn’t going away I think. I don’t know why it would be worse in the morning unless it was morning wood.

I have the same issue actually. In the morning I turtle up a little sometimes. I find if a I get a good night sleep it’s not as severe though. I attribute it to not low testosterone though. I am a little dude. Skinny to be more precise.

I always have to take a number 2 in the morning, I.E crap, and maybe even 2 or 3 times. As soon as I crap, my flaccid will be smaller for about 15 minutes, but it comes back. I used to have a much bigger issue with this. But eating healthier, and at normal times helped me with this.

I believe this happens to me because I have very slender hips, so my colon will easily block off my dick tube thingy, if I have to go number 2 really bad. I have great morning wood though.

Or I believe this to be my issue.

If any vets have any other ideas, let us know!
Funny I was going to start a thread about this.

Yeah thats where I stand. Good sleep, good diet, poop in the morning, maybe that will help.

Short Term Goal. 7.5 NBPEL. 5.5 EG. Long Term Goal 8.25 NBPEL 6.25 EG July 09 6.9NBPEL EG 5.2 August 09 7.1-7.2NBPEL 5.25 EG . October 7.1-7.25NBPEL, 5.25 EG Started at 6.5NBPEL, 4.6 EG

(Insert exceptional quote here) :P

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