Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My 0.5 in 60 days challenge

Now you’re just being cheeky. :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I will get in on this too (if that’s okay) However I am trying to just get .25”

Lets root each other on?

Hi guys, first post here. Don’t mean to be off topic but I think I read you have to have 15 posts before you can start a thread. So here goes, is it normal to be a little achy after the first few days?

Yeah dude that’s why I want to do it will help us stay motivated. Try for .5 and see what you get!

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

First few days of any new physical activity will probably leave you a tad sore in places.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 01-20-2009 at .

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
I guess I walked into this one by telling you to nit pick like an amphetamine fueled chimp. For my next thread (if I’m not booted from this forum) I guess ill change that remark to,please be gentle.
(Paragraph space)
Actually my native tongue is Welsh I’m not going to lie to you but I’m slightly offended that you suspect everyone in The united Kingdom speaks English.(I know I make it look easy)
(Paragraph space)
I’m glad of the response I get from anyone whether it being negative or positive because I can then use that for future reference so I don’t make little mistakes again.
(Paragraph space)
Does this mean for any time I won’t to show someone that I’m laughing I have to type (laugh out loud)?
And I’m sorry if I’ve offended you but I didn’t mean to bend you out of shape I just thought that there might be a teeny weeny bit more tolerance(and I thought my English was pretty darned good).
(Paragraph space)
So thank you for your input I look forward to hearing from you again.
(Hopefully on a lighter note)

Mr whiskers

You are now in time out for 7 days. You might want to go read those guidelines again MisterWhiskers. They will keep your butt out of trouble.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
You are now in time out for 7 days. You might want to go read those guidelines again MisterWhiskers. They will keep your butt out of trouble.

Why is he on a time out? Moderators are getting a little ban happy on here.Excuse me if my foot is in my mouth I just do not want to go through the pages and see, I apologize in advance.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
Actually my native tongue is Welsh I’m not going to lie to you but I’m slightly offended that you suspect everyone in The united Kingdom speaks English.(I know I make it look easy)

Mister Whiskers:

One very reason we have Forum Guidelines is exactly because English is not the first language of everyone here. We want the posts to be as readable as possible to as many as possible. If your native tongue is not English, you should be more aware than most of the greater difficulty involved if you are not using standard English.

For example, if someone does not speak English well and you have typed “ill” (as you did, several times) instead of “I’ll”, it makes the sentence more difficult to understand.

In addition, you are taking offense where none is meant. There may have been the assumption that your native tongue was English because your posts sound like someone who knows English but is careless in using it.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by lightening1
Hi guys, first post here. Don’t mean to be off topic but I think I read you have to have 15 posts before you can start a thread. So here goes, is it normal to be a little achy after the first few days?

Congratulations on your first post, lightening1!

So you’ll know in the future, from /faq.html#faq_t … _here_newforum:

“New Members can reply to any thread, in any forum, but can only start new threads in the Newbie Forum. Once 30 posts have been made, and after 14 days from registration, new threads can be started in all the forums (except the Main Member Forum, which requires Senior Member (300 posts) status) and an avatar can be uploaded. So:

  • 1 - 30 posts or less than 14 days membership: You can start a thread only in the Newbie Forum.
  • 31 - 300 posts or less than 28 days membership: You can start a thread in the Newbie Forum and everywhere else except for the Main Member Forum.
  • 300+ posts and greater than 28 days membership: You become a Senior Member, and can start a thread anywhere including the Main Member Forum.”
And yes, it is normal to be achy after the first few days. Pain is bad, but achy is OK.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Why is he on a time out? Moderators are getting a little ban happy on here.Excuse me if my foot is in my mouth I just do not want to go through the pages and see, I apologize in advance.

I think looking at his posts in this thread would clarify the point, ironaddict69, but if you can’t be bothered to look, I’m not going to spoonfeed you the links to the particular offending posts. This makes the 25th post in this thread. That’s hardly an insurmountable number of posts to scan if you really want to know.

And with over 110,000 members here, I think the ban rate is pretty low.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
IActually my native tongue is Welsh I’m not going to lie to you but I’m slightly offended that you suspect everyone in The united Kingdom speaks English.

Well OK, but you can all sing and use the longbow, right?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I think looking at his posts in this thread would clarify the point, ironaddict69, but if you can’t be bothered to look, I’m not going to spoonfeed you the links to the particular offending posts. This makes the 25th post in this thread. That’s hardly an insurmountable number of posts to scan if you really want to know.

And with over 110,000 members here, I think the ban rate is pretty low.

Oh please use the light-up Indiana Jones (c) spoon out of the fruit loops boxes, I LOVE those. I asked because I did not see anything wrong, but it was late last night.

I would love to see the amount of people who actually post out of the 110,000. I thought a lot of them did but after clicking many users names to see what threads they have started, it is surprisingly low to me.


There is no one born in Wales recently that doesn’t speak perfect English. Why would you be offended someone from another country assumed someone from the UK spoke English? Most people in England probably think the Welsh speak English, and I’ve never met a Welsh person that couldn’t speak English - although there are probably some old people that don’t or maybe others that didn’t go to school much.

From wiki “English is spoken by almost all people in Wales and is therefore the de facto main language (see Welsh English). However, northern and western Wales retain many areas where Welsh is spoken as a first language by the majority of the population and English is learnt as a second language. 21.7% of the Welsh population is able to speak or read Welsh to some degree (based on the 2001 census), although only 16% claim to be able to speak, read and write it, which may be related to the stark differences between colloquial and literary Welsh. According to a language survey conducted in 2004, a larger proportion than 21.7% claim to have some knowledge of the language.[58]Today there are very few truly monoglot Welsh speakers, other than small children, but individuals still exist who may be considered less than fluent in English and rarely speak it”

Stop being a smart arse and when your freeze comes off maybe you won’t get banned.


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