Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My 0.5 in 60 days challenge

My 0.5 in 60 days challenge

Hi guys

I’m just writing to let you all know(and to receive your input/Criticism’s/support)

I am going to be starting a different routine for a bit to see if I can make these gains in the required time.

As some of you might of seen my other Thread on the Max extender stretching device.

(I suggest for reference you take a peek lol)

I own a Max extender it’s a form of stretching device as you all know.

Sadly my first trial didn’t go so super.

SO! Now I intend to mix things up a little.

I’m going to go from my 400 jelqs a day routine to… … … …

A form of Luvdadus,s Newbie routine.

(It is a awesome routine I suggest to all new members or older ones try it out)

Basically I’m going to be doing the exact same thing BUT I’m going to keep at 400 jelqs.

So it should look something like this… … … … … .

5 min hot wrap
5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 min of jelq (Four hundred 3-second strokes)
5 min hot wrap
50 kegels of five second holds each

2 days on 1 day off of course,except for stretching which ill be doing every day.

2 hours of Max extender stretching.

For 60 days.

From tomorrow to March the 19th.

I’ve just realized that this isn’t a form of Luvdadus,s Newbie routine this is just plain and simple his routine.

Before any mistakes are made all I am doing is Luvdadus,s Newbie Routine with Stretching using a Device for 60 days.

The Max extender makes an outrageous claim that you can gain on Average 1.4 inches in 90 days for 2 hours a day.

So ill be doing 60 days for 2 hours a day meaning technically if there lies are true I should gain 0.9 to 1 inch.

(In theory)

I don’t believe them.

So with the Newbie Routine combined I think that it’s a fairly realistic goal to achieve 0.5 in 60 days.

Which is quite quick methinks.

I think that works out at

0.085 every 10 days.

And in the off chance the Max extender Pulls through on it’s claims and combined with the Newbie routine that

= A dreamy whole inch + me = insanity.

I am only aiming for 0.5 because that’s all I really think is achievable for girth I’m not sure what ill end up as.

So to cap it all off

I intend to do this routine for 60 days

And I hope/expect/pray/aim

The results to be

An extra 0.5 on BPEL


An extra 0.25 on EG

Leaving me at



5.5 EG

Any ideas/ hints?

Feel free to Nit pick like an amphetamine fueled chimp.

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers

Any ideas/ hints?

Here is a hint for you.

Mr W,

I’m not trying to be a smartass but 10 mins of 3 sec jelqs would only amount to 200 jelqs, wouldn’t it ? Or should I get a calculator and check my sums ? :-k Best of luck anyway mate.

Well done you found the deliberate mistake!!

Your right and it Results at 20 mins.

Your Prize is a virtual Pat on the back.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

So .5 in 60 days? I will take this challenge with you but I will use my routine I only actually expect a maximum gain for me of .375, but sounds like a good Idea. Best of luck brother see you March 18th??

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Sweet cool that sounds awesome.

It would be good to confer about such a matter.

That is excellent I never thought id be joined in a challenge like this.

Thank you.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Good luck, don’t hurt yourself.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Thanks new new ill try not.


Er spoke too soon lol.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Lol, so you are going to wear the extender for 2 hours a day, when will you be adding to the tension, by time or by days?

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

I found it difficult to read your post with all the spacing between paragraphs.

Best of luck with your routine!

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Best of luck dude.

Keep it safe

NewNew ill be Adjusting tension by

How stretchy my penis becomes.

Ill start on a 6 inch stretch and take it slowly from there.

Thank you everyone who is wishing me luck I am very grateful to have your support.

And very sorry about the spacing it’s something I do with everything.


Let the Marathon begin.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
NewNew ill be Adjusting tension by

How stretchy my penis becomes.

Ill start on a 6 inch stretch and take it slowly from there.

Thank you everyone who is wishing me luck I am very grateful to have your support.

And very sorry about the spacing it's something I do with everything.


Let the Marathon begin.

Change your habits. We don’t like this sort of thing here and some of us get really bent out of shape. Chat speak is a big no no here, that will get your ass kicked up between the shoulder blades faster than you can laugh out loud.

You have been warned by members and moderators to follow the guidelines. I suggest you do so. We are tolerant, but English seems to be your native tongue so you can’t use that excuse.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
get your ass kicked up between the shoulder blades


But yes: we are oddly old school as far as spelling, grammar, and over all command of the language goes. At the same time we are also exceptionally tolerant and understanding of non-native speakers that are giving it their best shot.

I really hope you can make the adjustment. This place can be an amazing resource for a guy to have, and not just for the PE.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
Change your habits. We don’t like this sort of thing here and some of us get really bent out of shape. Chat speak is a big no no here, that will get your ass kicked up between the shoulder blades faster than you can laugh out loud.

You have been warned by members and moderators to follow the guidelines. I suggest you do so. We are tolerant, but English seems to be your native tongue so you can’t use that excuse.

I guess I walked into this one by telling you to nit pick like an amphetamine fueled chimp. For my next thread (if I’m not booted from this forum) I guess ill change that remark to,please be gentle.
(Paragraph space)
Actually my native tongue is Welsh I’m not going to lie to you but I’m slightly offended that you suspect everyone in The united Kingdom speaks English.(I know I make it look easy)
(Paragraph space)
I’m glad of the response I get from anyone whether it being negative or positive because I can then use that for future reference so I don’t make little mistakes again.
(Paragraph space)
Does this mean for any time I won’t to show someone that I’m laughing I have to type (laugh out loud)?
And I’m sorry if I’ve offended you but I didn’t mean to bend you out of shape I just thought that there might be a teeny weeny bit more tolerance(and I thought my English was pretty darned good).
(Paragraph space)
So thank you for your input I look forward to hearing from you again.
(Hopefully on a lighter note)

Mr whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

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