Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My 0.5 in 60 days challenge

Good luck man! I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.

November 08: BPEL = 6.2

August 09: BPEL = 7.0

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Oh please use the light-up Indiana Jones (c) spoon out of the fruit loops boxes, I LOVE those. I asked because I did not see anything wrong, but it was late last night.

I would love to see the amount of people who actually post out of the 110,000. I thought a lot of them did but after clicking many users names to see what threads they have started, it is surprisingly low to me.


When you said “I just do not want to go through the pages and see”, that gave me the impression that you had not even looked.

You honestly don’t see a difference between the quality of your posts and the quality of posts such as:

“So ill be doing 60 days for 2 hours a day meaning technically if there lies are true I should gain 0.9 to 1 inch.”

“Your right and it Results at 20 mins.”

“Thanks new new ill try not.”


For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

No Lampwick, I do. I just remember how hard it was to adjust, going from many other forums and then having to make it perfect, now I accidentally use perfect English and punctuation on other forums now too!

I was commenting on the amount of members who do not post, or hardly ever do so therefor could not even be banned.

Just a quick question and this is totally off topic, but if you could help that would be great. Do you have any idea how I could re-enter my stats into the PE database, and also how to check where my stats stand? I did it once (entered them in) But cannot figure out how to do it again. I was under the impression by someones post, that it was possible that I misunderstood.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
No Lampwick, I do. I just remember how hard it was to adjust, going from many other forums and then having to make it perfect, now I accidentally use perfect English and punctuation on other forums now too!

I was commenting on the amount of members who do not post, or hardly ever do so therefor could not even be banned.

Just a quick question and this is totally off topic, but if you could help that would be great. Do you have any idea how I could re-enter my stats into the PE database, and also how to check where my stats stand? I did it once (entered them in) But cannot figure out how to do it again. I was under the impression by someones post, that it was possible that I misunderstood.

You’ve done much better over time. Your posts show that you’ve made an effort.

As for your stats in the database, go to Quick Links at the top of the page. Click on it and select PE Statistics from the dropdown menu.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
You’ve done much better over time. Your posts show that you’ve made an effort.

As for your stats in the database, go to Quick Links at the top of the page. Click on it and select PE Statistics from the dropdown menu.

Thanks my man, I struggled.

Thank you for showing me where! God I thought I was good with this internet stuff, not so much sometimes.

I added another 2 minutes to my stretching routine, hopefully it gives me a little boost in this healthy competition. So far I am having good PI’s.

How are both of you doing this far in (a week or so???)?

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Well I was sick of using 22 lbs of SD hanging, my chair was too low and O had to sit on like 3 pillows, it was uncomfortable.

I went down to 15.5 of SD bundled hanging and it feels pretty good. I think this will continue to pull my unit down, but work the tunica at the same time; it also isolates the other structures so once I am done, a lot of the weight will stress the septum, which is my main limiting factor…Lets hope for the best. I will measure in a week.

I can’t promise I will be able to find time/ruler to do it this weekend but I will measure length as well sometime close to that 2 week point. Good PI’s I hope?

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Hijacked! :p

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Hi guys!!

I’m back from my forced holiday how are we all doing? Thats great.
It’s been a struggle to actually keep the routine going.It’s literally kept me up at night
(Because of leaving stretching to last thing in the day) and I’ve made some changes
Due to the fact that it seems more manageable.

I’ve removed the kegels because I am finding them very difficult to do and can’t hold them at all
(So I’m going to practice doing 100 kegels on my days off).
And I’m going to measure every 20days to see if I’m on the right track
Along with adding 50 jelqs to my routine every 10 days.(too much?)

I’m still considering of chopping my routine into one day on one day off
Because I’ve looked around and 24 to 48 hours is the perfect healing time
Meaning if I keep stretching on the off days would it heal in the stretchy position?

I’m not sure if ill make that change.(I probably won’t)

Clemski I can tell your gonna give me a run for my money(and my knob).

Ironaddict it sounds like you are getting there 22lbs sounds awfully heavy.
(I have just looked at my dumbell set the small weight to put on the end are 10lbs thats pretty heavy)

I think the first 10 days for us should be finding what works best and what we feel is right?
Any ideas on upgrades so far? Or any changes?

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

And yes I can sing wonderfully with the voice of an angel.

Sadly I can’t use the longbow but us welsh are so hard we don’t need long range weapons. :)

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

50 Jelqs a week might be a bit too much given after like 5 weeks that’s a shit ton of jelqs. I would think 25 would be better safer bet for a weekly increase. Also, it is a small enough increment that you can better monitor the changes in your PI’s and decide if you should in fact keep increasing or stay at the same level for another week. 50 in my opinion will not work for a long term linear program as you suggest you want to do because one week will push it a little too hard and you will be back to phase one after a healing break.

I have always been a fan of gradual increase I just feel 50 would be too much of a jump. Don’t forget to kegel while you jelq you get better expansion as well as working the BC muscle a little bit. This in the long term will help you do kegels on their own, but do keep in mind just because you can’t hold it too long does not make it valueless its like running, the first time you run you can’t run a marathon.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

10 day mark post.

I like your thinking Clemski I will change it to 25 erect jelqs every 10 days to keep it smooth.
Meaning it will be separate from my normal jelqs.
(Not hard jelqing but moderate. I don’t want to burst a vein).

I am not going to split my routine into one day on one day off.
Because frankly I don’t think I would make the progressive gains I am looking for that way with the time I have.
Maybe if I am up to it after I have done this challenge I will make a different time scale like 100 days,one day on one day off.(Do you think thats an ok idea or just a waste of PE time?)

I am finding Kegels really hard to do I can barely hold them for 5 seconds and I can’t do more then like 3 in a row without my neck jerking.(like a body twitch)
I am going to try and dedicate my off days to just Kegeling (and Max extender 2 hours only) so I can do it over the whole period of the day.
Otherwise I can see myself neglecting them and missing out.

What I have noticed so far is that I am getting some really good flacid hang and my flacid girth seems to be very large at the moment.
(Only slightly sore every so often over training?)
I haven’t measured yet because I feel it is too soon to do so, so I shall be measuring every 20 days which means only two measurements before the last and final one.
If I haven’t grown already I am going to have to make 0.1 gains in length every 10 days.

Does this seem possible at all to you guys?
I hope your doing well Clemski and Ironaddict and making progress.
I would really appreciate any advice on kegeling.
(Because if I find it so hard to do it must be weak right?)

Mr whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Last edited by MisterWhiskers : 01-29-2009 at . Reason: Left out something i wanted to say.

I am a big fan of erect jelqing, a lot of members are not but there are a handful of us who swear by them, you have the right approach with them keeping safety in mind.

I worry about rushing things too much. We are not trying to do insane things to get the largest gain in 60 days. We simply should be trying to formulate a good routine following it strictly and seeing how close we come in 60 days. I know the initial challenge was based on claims by a product you purchased, but time frame should never really be a consideration in gains that is when things get dangerous.

If not dangerous it will toughen up your penis so much that you will not be able to gain more in the long term. I state this because I got a bit concerned when you said

“I am not going to split my routine into one day on one day off.
Because frankly I don’t think I would make the progressive gains I am looking for that way with the time I have.
Maybe if I am up to it after I have done this challenge I will make a different time scale like 100 days,one day on one day off.(Do you think that’s an ok idea or just a waste of PE time?)”

I think the best thing to do is what gives you the best PI’s. Fuck the time frame, if you gain .5 in a week and never gain again you will be so much more frustrated than gaining .5 every year for 3 years. Goals are good that is why we 3 are doing this, but make sure you are doing the best routine given your level of experience and with future gains in mind.

As for kegels, try doing some 3 second holds and even some very rapid ones also do some longer ones they all strengthen the BC muscle. I would not say yours is weak I would say it is normal most men probably don’t train their BC, just work on strengthening it.

With all of PE you should focus less on ‘me compared to the world’ and more on ‘me compared to when I started’. Improvement is the goal of life’s search.

As for a check in, my PI’s are great right now I have found it hard to get in a lot of girth work but I am getting back into it. Stretching is going well I am getting a more and more desensitized to my hand so I am having less trouble with getting hard.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

That’s very true Clemski, you can see how much strain I am already going through.
I am just certain that if I keep on I can do it, and if I did not have rest days I would be so screwed.
(I doubt I would of gotten this far)

I won’t push myself to the limit I am just going to take it one day at a time and keep jogging.

(Mild reference to the quote “It’s a marathon not a race”)

Do you think I am pushing it too far or maybe over training?
I am just going to see what I gain from this routine.
If I gain a inch I will be shocked but incredibly pleased.
I am not going to get my hopes up.

Bloody Kegels. (Sigh)

That’s excellent news to hear that you have good PI’s.
Anything you have noticed change in these 10 days?
Like flacid hang or flacid girth?
Or little folk who come in the middle of the night and tie your penis down?
(Mild Reference to Gulliver’s travels)

Mr whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.


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