Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My 0.5 in 60 days challenge

Since I have gotten back into PE much better hang and stronger erections, it is not uncommon for me to wake up with one pulsing in the middle of the night. Much more flaccid girth giving me a better overall bulge.

I wouldn’t know if you are going too hard only you can. I will tell you rest days are very important for girth work in my experience, but for length you want to make sure you do give it some rest so it doesn’t fall off (that does not actually happen… I hope.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Thats wonderful news.
Is getting back on the PE horse a hard thing to do?

I never get stiffs in the night nor really that much morning wood, but it is filled with a fair bit of blood.
Rest days are very important.
(I think if I didn’t have 2 on 1 off my penis would be OFF my body and ON the floor.)
If my pump did not break I would have pumping in this routine as well.
That would make things a lot tougher.
I’m spending about 3 hours a day on PE, if I had my pump it would be about 4 hours, 2x30 Minute pumping sessions.

Maybe ill save that for the Mega Routine.

I hope your going ok.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Guys this is so hard trying to keep focused while doing PE.
And my knob seems to be getting more tense (if that makes any sense).

I am about a week away from my first measurement, I am hoping it goes well
But I have this little niggling feeling in the back of my head that I have made no progress.

I was thinking last night about what size I would be happy with(not by result of this experiment,but in general)
I would love to have a 8BP x 6 (as my ultimate dream length) but for the moment a 7 NBEL by 5.5 would be cheerful.
I am currently 6 NBEL so that means I would have to gain a whole inch to get there and I am 5.25 EG mid shaft so that’s a little easier.

So what I am really getting at is that I want to get to 6.5 NBEL at some point in the very near future and I guess this “challenge” of mine is just a vanity project.
By all the info on averages either 6 is average and 6.5 is above average or 6.5 is average.
(All these averages are very inconsistent) (And I assume all these averages are not BP)
So I would like to have a cock which is above average so I feel special and so if someone is above average they won’t think I am smaller to them? (Make any sense?)

(I am worried with my impatience,and I am putting it all down to time, maybe setting unrealistic goals?)

I just don’t want to get discouraged (I can now see why people give up on PE) but I shall keep on fighting because I really want to gain, and I know if I put the effort in I must get something out of it in the end.


I hope everyone is doing ok.

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I hope you success in this challenge. And get these ideas out of your head, and stay focused on your goal. And it’s not a big deal if it takes a longer time.

Good luck.

That’s what I was trying to say earlier, gains are better than what you had before goals are good, just keep it in mind that if you gain its great even if its not the goal.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

I’m not sure if this has been said but 60 days at 2 hours a day with the max stretcher isn’t going to get you an inch or even close because that’s only 120 hours total with low force. If an inch were possible that easy we’d all be 12” and more.

Thank you so much guys it’s starting to get a bit easier as I am reaching the first trial.
I guess support is key to making gains and being able to stay determined you’ve all given me a bit more juice.

I will be happy with whatever I get at the end of this routine.
And I think my girth might be a bit bigger, or it’s a trick of the light.

Shout outs:
Clemski looking at what you have gained you are a inspiration to us all.
You must of made a deal with the devil.(or mandingo)

Pegain those words actually touched me they made me think about whats worth what and if I give up now ill be wasting time which would impact on general size gains in the future.

Wayoflife99 I’m using the max extender to benefit the routine I am doing alongside it to help the cells stay more stretched and basically encourage growth, I can see the max extender and Jelqing and stretching working hand in hand to make progressive gains.

And there are many reports of people making gains quite soon with the newbie routine of 0.25 in a month which fits well into my 60 day trial, and along with the persuasion of the max extender should help it along nicely by keeping everything at a stretch and encouraging the cells to heal in that stretched position and so the veins can get stronger by being stretched further.
And at the moment the tension is quite modest.

I never intended to get a inch out of this trial but I do think it is quite possible under the right circumstances and stresses to gain 0.5 in 60 days whether it will be this routine or another one I do not know yet.

I was thinking after this challenge is done I might have 10 days of 400 jelqs each day with 1 day on 1 day off, then do another 30 days of this routine to get the whole 90 days in.
What do you all think?? Too much? Or the right path?

And I love all criticism whether negative or positive.

I hope we are all doing well on our quests and not getting downhearted.

Yours Respectfully

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Very true.
I shan’t get ahead of myself.
And oh my I end up writing essays every time I think.

Hope your ok.

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Hi guys I have hit the 20 day mark.
And now for my measurements on length I am hitting. 6.65 BPEL
And my girth is 5.3 EG (midshaft)
I Have mixed feelings about these. I am chuffed that it shows some improvement. But whats the chances these are just measuring mistakes?
Like I have been this length and girth but measured wrong the first time?
And I was hoping I would of gained more if anything for it to be sure I haven’t measured wrong.

But lets say these are real gains and I gained 0.15 in length and 0.05 in girth in 20 days.
Does that mean that for the next 40 days I have a chance of gaining 0.30 in length and 0.10 in girth?

Because that would put me at 6.95 BPEL and 5.40 which is not far from my estimation of how much I could gain.

I know that it probably won’t be the same as the first 20 days it could be less or it could be more or I could gain nothing.
What do you guys think?
And how are you all doing? Making gains? Made any changes?
Hope your all in good spirits.

Any news?
(And I ashamed that no ones voted on my poll about Ghosts.)

Mr Whiskers.

P.S Has anyone done something similar to this routine before?

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
Hi guys I have hit the 20 day mark.
And now for my measurements on length I am hitting. 6.65 BPEL
And my girth is 5.3 EG (midshaft)
I Have mixed feelings about these. I am chuffed that it shows some improvement. But whats the chances these are just measuring mistakes?
Like I have been this length and girth but measured wrong the first time?
And I was hoping I would of gained more if anything for it to be sure I haven’t measured wrong.

But lets say these are real gains and I gained 0.15 in length and 0.05 in girth in 20 days.
Does that mean that for the next 40 days I have a chance of gaining 0.30 in length and 0.10 in girth?

Because that would put me at 6.95 BPEL and 5.40 which is not far from my estimation of how much I could gain.

I know that it probably won’t be the same as the first 20 days it could be less or it could be more or I could gain nothing.
What do you guys think?
And how are you all doing? Making gains? Made any changes?
Hope your all in good spirits.

Any news?
(And I ashamed that no ones voted on my poll about Ghosts.)

Mr Whiskers.

P.S Has anyone done something similar to this routine before?

I’ll look for your poll, I know about what you mean about your gains, I still sometimes think mine are measuring mistakes or something, lol. I’m sure you got the gains from at least better EQ.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Excellent thank you so much.
I think I will start getting more sound in PE when I get to 6.8 so I know it is working.

Yeah I think my penis is a bit healthier , looking at your gains is a boost to moral that is a lot of progress in 3 months I hope I have the chance to catch up.

I am also thinking of when I get to March 19th I might wait till April 1st and then do this routine but for 30 days.
Just to see if it will help me keep on gaining.
And then I would of done the whole 90 days of Max extender time.

And then finally after all that I might just go back to my jelqing for awhile.
How does your routine work?

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I have added 100 jelqs to my routine as well for the next 20 days then after that ill add another 100.

And I am going up one notch on the Max Extender. And then if I am able to stretch more I will go up another notch for the last 20 days.

Just to keep the pace up.

I am thinking of typing up a advance routine for this one like one I could do a month after this.
What do you guys think?

Mr Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

PE has been rough for me, getting it in when I can, after this week it will be easy, that and I have been hanging out with this girl which is taking up a lot of time.

As for an advanced routine, putting one together does not take long, my best advice on adding something new is to take it very easy at first and see how you feel. You will understand that more when you get more PE experience. You will start to know what feels right and what feels wrong, and based on results you will know how you feel when you gain.

To be honest I have not gotten that feeling back yet but I will give it some time and get more regular, at this point I can do a full Girth routine and length so now is when the real work starts.

As per your gains, more than likely it is a boost in EQ that has given you that little extra, but who knows it may mean that you are already growing.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

You lucky thing.
Girls seem to be a foreign object for me recently.

I hope so I think this routine will help with conditioning me penis first then work on growth.
Either way I see the extra length and girth as a boost no matter what.

I used deep heat mixed in with my other jelqing goo. Think it’s safe?

What do you think of Bibs Hanging?(off topic)
He made heavy gains in a short time.

I hope your getting into the swing of hardcore routine.

Yours sincerely

Mister Whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.


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