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my 1st routine ..any comments? newbie help

my 1st routine ..any comments? newbie help

Hey everyone I just started this routine last night (1st time with PE!)

warmup 10mn
strech out in different directions (25 kegels each stretch)
circle stretch for blood flow
wet jelq (dont count how many, like 10-15mn)
warm down 5mn

and i will try to add a 100 kegs somewhere a day ..

is that any good ??
right now my stats are
BPEL = 6.5”
EG = 4.55”

will this routine affect both length and girth ? thanks people ! if you feel like i should change anything let me know

That’s a good start, yes, for length and girth. Do that for several weeks and get conditioned to the exercises. Don’t just try to get the kegels in. Get the kegels in.

I have a question too …Is is better to do Kegels alone, or Kegels while stretching ?

Another question, when im about 70% erect and stretch (using O.K sign at bottom, then go up with other hand and hold top) it accumulates alot of blood in the body of the stick (becomes even bigger than when im normally erected), i tried holding that and do kegels, and it seemed like alot of pressure was into it …i was wondering if i should continue this or not ? (bit more details, i see alot of veins and it seems really pumped and hard when doing this) ..This might already exist lol im really not sure..Thanks all

Beginner stats (started july 22 2004)

BPEL = 7"

EG = 5"

You can do those squeezes, but do them for a few seconds only. Until your penis is conditioned enough, they can cause some fluid build-up. Take it slow. :)

are they more efficient ? or as good as normal kegs …

im just wondering if its better because i can actually feel it pumping and see it

Beginner stats (started july 22 2004)

BPEL = 7"

EG = 5"


Those squeezes sound like horse, or horse440 squeezes. Do a search for them to find out more info. I would recommend you not do them for now as they are advanced exercises. Stick to the newbie routine for several weeks.

Sorry, but according to your stats you gained .5 length and .45 girth now?

no it’s an accident, i havent measured correctly at the bone, and erect girth.

my actual stats are 7x5
reason why, i was a bit in a hurry and not fully erected.

Beginner stats (started july 22 2004)

BPEL = 7"

EG = 5"

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