Need help developing a novice routine I can stick to
This is a great site - very helpful, chock-full of amazing resources. I’m hoping that you guys can help me develop a routine for a novice like me that I can stick to.
I’ve already read the NEWBIE ROUTINE, but it’s not quite applicable; the only guaranteed privacy I have is in the shower. I usually do a moderate workout before showering, which could also affect any routine I choose. Is it OK to start a routine directly after exercise? Is there a corresponding “wet” newbie routine? Can I carry the techniques directly over to the shower, or are there other exercises better suited for an “aquatic” environment? :)
I’m also a rather systematic person, and am interested in monitoring my progress. It looks like most of you guys use a digital camera + ruler. How often would you recommend taking these snapshots? When is the best time to snap a picture? (Immediately before/after the routine? Some random time during the day?) I don’t want to artificially inflate my gains by measuring once when I’m “inflated”, so I’m thinking about averaging my measurements.
Sorry for asking so many questions :) Thanks again to the admins for a great site!