Newbie - advice needed
Basically I am very unhappy with the size of my penis and feel very inadequate (could go on for ages about but no doubt you have heard it before) but now with having my first real long term relationship it has become worse. I often feel that I am not satisfying as much as her previous partner would have, because he would have undoubtedly have been bigger, and then I feel even worse that she might, quite rightly, be thinking I wish I had him here! As well as many other reason that make me feel inadequate and the problems that come with feeling inadequate.
Basically I don’t like the size of my penis and think that my relationship would be much better if could accept it. But at the same time I enjoy sex and she doesn’t seem to enjoy half as much as I do and I just think that she will not enjoy it much more if I had a larger one (or in the worst case if she was back with someone with a larger one) and this makes me even worse!! Also the thing that makes it even worse is that I know she thinks it’s too small and see often makes remarks that can easily be interpreted to say as much. And I hate talking to her about it because it just highlights the fact that it’s small and brings it to her attention that it is and that I think it is and I think this has a negative affect because she will probably start thinking that it’s too small even more!
Anyway, looking at the routines that people suggest I don’t think my lifestyle allows me to spend anything like the amount of time to get any gains, or to be able to do it regular enough. Are there any thing that I can do which don’t take very long and fit nice and discretely into everyday life.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated!