Newbie gains of 0.3 inch and 0.3 inch after 4 weeks or just filling out
I’ve been using the Newbie routine of 1 day on and 2 days off for the past 5 weeks and picked up 0.3” BPEL & 0.3” EG. Started BPEL 6.7” & EG 5.2”, now I am BPEL 7” & EG 5.5”. FOr whatever reason no change in flaccid length or girth of 4.7” & 4.7”
A little background, I had a problem with what I believe is Peyrione’s Disease where due to injury during some slamming sex I bottomed out a couple of times and experienced severe pain and eventually a bent penis end approximately 1” below the glans. Measuring myself 5 years ago I was 7” BPEL & 5.5” EG. I am 53 years old and measuring myself 4 weeks ago I was 6.7” BPEL & 5.2” EG. I attributed the loss over the past 5 years to older age and the Peyriones. I am pleased to say that about 75% of the “bend” is gone (sorry, I was dumb and did not take a before or after pic) but I am wondering if the routine below simply brought back my old measurements or “re-grew” them. Either way I am happy because it just goes to show that PE has definately helped! EQ is slightly better but I have a ways to go since I would consider it about a 5 or 6 now unless penetrated. PI’s have been positive.
Here’s the routine:
-10 minutes of warm up with large glass of hot water
-5 to 7 minutes of stretching
-15 minutes jelking
-5 minutes ballooning
-Cool down naturally
My real question is I’d like to step things up slightly and I was thinking of going to one day on and one day off for the next 30 days before trying 5 consecutive days and 2 days off. Any thoughts or recommendations?