Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie gains of 0.3 inch and 0.3 inch after 4 weeks or just filling out

Newbie gains of 0.3 inch and 0.3 inch after 4 weeks or just filling out

I’ve been using the Newbie routine of 1 day on and 2 days off for the past 5 weeks and picked up 0.3” BPEL & 0.3” EG. Started BPEL 6.7” & EG 5.2”, now I am BPEL 7” & EG 5.5”. FOr whatever reason no change in flaccid length or girth of 4.7” & 4.7”

A little background, I had a problem with what I believe is Peyrione’s Disease where due to injury during some slamming sex I bottomed out a couple of times and experienced severe pain and eventually a bent penis end approximately 1” below the glans. Measuring myself 5 years ago I was 7” BPEL & 5.5” EG. I am 53 years old and measuring myself 4 weeks ago I was 6.7” BPEL & 5.2” EG. I attributed the loss over the past 5 years to older age and the Peyriones. I am pleased to say that about 75% of the “bend” is gone (sorry, I was dumb and did not take a before or after pic) but I am wondering if the routine below simply brought back my old measurements or “re-grew” them. Either way I am happy because it just goes to show that PE has definately helped! EQ is slightly better but I have a ways to go since I would consider it about a 5 or 6 now unless penetrated. PI’s have been positive.

Here’s the routine:
-10 minutes of warm up with large glass of hot water
-5 to 7 minutes of stretching
-15 minutes jelking
-5 minutes ballooning
-Cool down naturally

My real question is I’d like to step things up slightly and I was thinking of going to one day on and one day off for the next 30 days before trying 5 consecutive days and 2 days off. Any thoughts or recommendations?

Don’t jump from 1 off 1 on and go 5 on 2 off. I’m still fairly new but that would not be the way to increase your routine. It would be better to from say 1 on 1 off and after a week or two to 2on 1 off. Slowly increase the days on by weeks and always check PI’s and EQ as you progress.

What is ballouning? Sorry to bother explain please

Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken.

PE has been a solid part of my exercise regimen for 2 months. I took measurements with morning wood, and gained 3/8” girth at base and mid. This is pleasing because girth is more of a priority to me. I have not amended my stats and will wait to do so until I can take a photo. I understand these are not the “Eureka” of gains that other newbies post, but anything this early is ahead of my expectations. My PE history is something like this:

December 2008
Strictly the newbie routine 3 times per week (M-W-F).
Heated with a rice-sock.
Increased stretches and jelqs after 3 weeks.

January 2009
Extended newbie routine one day on, one day off.
After the newbie routine, I add a 1 lb ankle weight for about 2 hours
Twice per week I pump for one ten-minute set @ 4-5 Hg, continually heated the rice-sock
Heated and cooled with a rice-sock

February 2009
Newbie routine two days on, one day off.
After the newbie routine, I add a two 1 lb ankle weights between base to mid-shaft for about 1 hour, then switch to one ankle weight positioned at the scar for different stretch leverage
Twice per week I pump for one ten-minute set @ 4-5 Hg, continually heated by the rice-sock
Heated and cooled with a rice-sock

Everything is the same for march with one change. I read here about a “desk extender.” This is similar to a hanging or ads device, except the tension cord is attached to a cup-hook beneath a desk. After some creative engineering (and beta testing) I have begun using this with low-tension to stretch while I work. Since I am seated, the heated rice-sock stays wrapped around the penis for the entire session. I have used this everyday in the last week. Keep in mind, when I say low tension, I mean LOW-tension, just enough to extend comfortably. The only drawback to this is when you hear a kid scream and you feel the need to react quickly - Remember to unhook yourself!

I didn’t mention kegels because they should be implied. I do kegels @ 5 count for the entirety of pumping sessions, and @ 10 count at the conclusion of the newbie routine.

Frankly, I am psyched to see any physical gains at this point. It should be noted that I appreciate many benefits not normally considered gains. I think I’ll start a new thread about that though.

I hope this helps.

Progress Thread - I assure you, I'm growing.


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