Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie needs recommendation for routine

Newbie needs recommendation for routine

Hello, I’m new to the PE thing and was wondering if someone could help me design a routine. The last I checked I was hangin 7.25” (not sure of girth). My goal is to gain more length and girth.

Can someone help recommend a routine for me?

Welcome to Thunder’s! Glad to have you.

Originally posted by montanarealty
My goal is to gain more length and girth.

:thumbs: Hey those are my goals too! We already have something in common.

I would recommend trying this routine first Newbie Routine. This will get you acclimated to many of the other routines and exercises that people use here.

If you haven’t done so also read Newbie Primer. This will tell you many things that will help you along in your journey with us at Thunder’s.

Welcome aboard!


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

thanks buddy!

Welcome aboard, montanarealty!! :)

Wow, I feel like a novelty or something!

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