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Newbie PE and Sex Questions Please help.

Newbie PE and Sex Questions Please help.

Hi Guys, I just have a bunch of newbie questions and sexual related questions to clear the fog as I start my PE journey. Any help is appreciated!

1) I’ve read over the newbie routine and the only clarification I would like to make is that Kegals are when you clench your penis in the same way you would as if you were peeing then wanted to stop peeing for whatever reason (Hands not needed), as if flexing. Is this correct?

2) Over the years I have masturbated very frequently, a rough estimate would be about 5-8 times a week. I always used a fairly tight but not strangling grip. As far as lubrication, I usually went 50/50 being lubricated or not (sometimes I Lubes, sometimes I didn’t). I am also Circumcised and 19 y/o. Due to the prolonged period of constant masturbation, I have lost a significant amount of sensitivity, not completely. I still feel a reasonable amount of sensation but there has also been a large chunk of sensitivity that has vanished. Also, on the top of my penis, near the head, and down about an inch from the head when erect, I have completely lost sensitivity. I can run my finger lightly down this small area of skin and not feel anything unless I pinch very tightly. ( Dimensions about 1/4” wide and 1” from behind head down towards base ) My question here is what are some basic beginning ways to restore my sensitivity so that sex is more enjoyable.

3) I have a fairly large amount of hair follicles/bumps along the shaft of my penis ( Starting about in the middle of my shaft all the way down to the shaft ) ( google “Hair follicles on shaft” images). These bumps have never caused me any problems or spoken issues with any of my women, but they do however pose an annoyance when desiring a cleaner and more presentable penis. I was curious as to whether or not there is a cure or simple removal process for these bumps so that the thought of them no longer linger my mind plus the mind of my women.

4) What is a preferred, and cheap lubricant that I might be able to buy at a local store such as Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc., for the purpose of PE Exercises such as Jelqing.

5) In regards to my 2nd question, I have searched the internet for ways in which I can regain sensitivity and a large percentage of answers involved Restoring the foreskin post circumcision. Does this really work? If so, what are some simple procedures to the restoring process. A lot of process involve tape, tools, materials. I do not like the idea of keeping my penis attached to some setup all day. Are there any manual hand-used methods that can allow the restoration?

6) One last question that I have is in regards to ejaculating during sex. My issue is, this doesn’t happen. My recent girlfriend and I have had our first sexual interaction recently ( about a week ago ) and this is my first time, l lost my virginity to her a week ago. So within a period of 3 days, we had sex 5 times. Every single time we had sex I could not cum ( during intercorse ). Some things that I feel might have contributed to this issue are; We used a condom every time, my sensitivity issue, excessive porn viewing during masturbation in prior years, performance anxiety because of the fact I am new and these were the first 5 times I have had sex, and possibly exhaustion. I do not feel that size is exactly the issue ( although it would help in many ways more than one ). My dimensions are 6.8” x 5” erect. I am 5’10, 150lbs. She is very petite, roughly 5’3 and 105 lbs. I feel that I filled the gap almost perfectly with her, I was able to make her orgasm at least 4 or 5 times every session and she usually ends up exhausted and too sore to continue before I can finish. Our sessions usually last 2-3 hours. On 2 of the occasions, I was able to cum, not during intercorse however. After she cannot handle the intercorse anymore, she tried to finish me off but only succeeded twice, once after my first time having sex, and once on the fifth time ( took another hour post intercorse ). I would never have a problem with going flaccid, I was able to stay hard, but not finish. On the times that I could not cum, I would get somewhat close, but never completed and she would end up too tired to continue trying to finish me and we would just call it quits. There is no attraction issue, I don’t believe. I like her very much and enjoy the pleasure she gives me, but it is hard for me to finish. I do still feel pleasure during intercourse but I feel like I am missing out a lot on the sensation with the condom on. If there is any help I can get to solve this problem so that my lady can experience me orgasming for her, it would be very much appreciated not only by me, but her as well.

Thank-you very much for anyone that can help, and I hope to keep everyone posted!

3) I don’t have knowledge on that matter.

4) You can use any lube you want, as long as it works for you.

5) I’m uncut so I don’t know much about that either, I think it’s basically just stretching the skin to make it longer.

6) Seems like that’s also an issue on desentization, take a break on the stimulation.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

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