Newbie Questions

Hey everyone, it’s taken me a bit to decide to start a thread on here, but after my gains today I thought it was a good time. If you want to skip to my questions they’re at the bottom of the post.

About me, I’m a 20 year old college student,
Average build, 6 foot 2, I smoke weed occasionally and drink about once a week. I try to lift weights 3 times a week when I can, and eat a decent diet (better than average for my age). I’ve always hated how small my flaccid hangs, but have been relatively satisfied with my erect circumference. That is until I got to college and realized how much that matters to all the attractive women. Being someone who has stupid high standards, you can see why this wasn’t a good realization. Oddly enough though I know that increasing my flaccid size will give me more confidence (when walking around and meeting these girls) than erect size.

So a bit about my experience, I started doing some light PE spring of this year and gained around a quarter of an inch BPEL and nothing else (including NBPEL). Since I didn’t commit too much I just stopped (I see from the site this is common).

After taking some time off I started the same routine I had tried in September with better jelqing technique I.e. Longer firmer strokes. This site has been more help than I would have imagined for modifying my routine to work faster, and better. Low and behold, after 3 months I finally made a substantial 1/2 inch BPEL gain and am at my first goal of 7”. That’s great but I have some concerns/questions I’d be more than appreciative that someone answer.

My routine:
Hot shower 5 minutes when already getting ready
Stretch in all directions once 20 sec each
Rotate 10 times both directions
Jelq small-medium erection ~100 times 2 second strokes
After I sometimes kegel and edge
I started with 1 on 1 off, then 2 on 1 off, now I do 5 on 2 off (usually)

My stats:

1. My NBPEL hasn’t changed at all, along with my flaccid length and girth. I know I’ve been targeting just length so I get why girth hasn’t improved, but why isn’t it translating to my flaccid size at all? Is there anyway to target flaccid size specifically?

2. I always see people talking about “cementing gains” on here and didn’t know how necessary that was, and what the time frame looks like. Obviously I don’t want to lose this precious half inch (even if it is bone pressed).

3. My EQ and performance hasn’t been too great since I stopped dating this girl I had sex with daily from 14-17 years old, and PE hasn’t helped too much with that. I didn’t know if there was anything more I could do?

4. In regards to flaccid size I know it’s common at this stage to get an extender of some sort (for length) but I’m broke as a joke and want to figure something out I can wear/do discreetly and not let my little guy get so little when it’s healing.

I appreciate your responses for any or all questions.