Newbie Routine -- Any Advice
Okay, after checking this site out for a few years and not really putting any energy into PE, I made a New Years Resolution to try and get some length.
I have not measured but erect, I am around 6 1/2” or so but rather thick.
This is usually what women comment about: thick.
I will measure soon to add “official” stats but for now I thought I would list my new routine.
I started this 2 weeks ago and have done this every day (except some weekend days)
5 minute soak in hot, hot water. 30 seconds stretches each direction (left, right, down up, out).
Next, jelqing wet 10 - 15 minutes.
5 more minutes hot water soak. A and V stretches 1 minute each. Rotating stretches for 10 revolutions.
A few more minutes of hot soak while doing kegels.
Is this too little/too much for 2 weeks in? I notice a fatter, heavier cock already and stronger erections.
Also, since my cock is rather thick, I find having some difficulty keeping a firm clamp some mornings.
Any advice would be great.