Thunder's Place

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What the bloody heck is the newbie routine

What the bloody heck is the newbie routine

It’s a question that’s been bothering me for months, but I never bothered asking cause I know it might get some flak from the members here. I also thought it meant luvdavus’ routine, but some of the responses in the forum were, “that’s not the newbie routine, the newbie routine consists of 45 minutes of stretching.” or something like that. What exactly is the newbie routine that everyone’s talking about? It is luvdavus’, correct?

Damn.. Haven’t seen any gains in my first 3 months. Starting to lose motivation.

Took the words right out of my mouth furryone.

:_pump: :donatecar

Like I said, I anticipated the response, and I have read the guidelines 3 times over. I just wanted to confirm I wasn’t doing the wrong routine in light of a couple of confusing and apparently wrong responses in one of my past threads.

Originally Posted by dudnaito
…I just wanted to confirm I wasn’t doing the wrong routine…

It’s all in good favor… Don’t take it personal, I was just having a little fun with the colorful description :spin: .

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