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Newbie Routine Question

Newbie Routine Question

Hello luvdadus, got a question 4 ya!

I just received the power-jelq product a couple of days ago. Tried it a couple of times, and I can say that while a non-believer at first, I am beginning to like to product.

Thanks for your advice regarding a sample workout for Newbies! While the power-jelq site does offer many suggestions, I feel the more information, the better when it comes to proper usage of the product.

I have a couple of questions, seeing that I am new to the whole experience. First, what are kegels, and please describe the proper way to introduce this in a routine. Secondly, what has been your experience in maximizing your gains? Please tell us what to expect during the first initial month of jelqing. Should the results (if properly performed) be mild, moderate, or drastic? I know this varies of course for each individual person - however; I am sure there has been some tally by members in the past.

Finding it a bit difficult to nagivate through this site, but I am enjoying the readings from experienced guys as yourself. My current stats are: flacid “4” and erect: “6” even. Looing to maximize it to at least 7 to 7 1/2 for a long term goal.

Again, thanks 4 your comments.

I know nothing about the powerjelq. Some guys like it, others bought it but decided manual is better.

Take initial measurements carefully and then don’t measure for 6 weeks. When you do be careful to follow your measuring technique consistently.

I think that the rate of growth is extremely variable. I think that most see some gains by 6 weeks. (I gained an inch in 8 weeks).

However a minority may not gain for 4-6 months. There are a few that haven’t gained in years and are still at it (thankfully these are very few).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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