Newbie Proposed Routine and Question
Just started two days ago and am currently trying to plan out my routine. Stumbled across PE by asking a few questions, but had originally tried hanging and kegels about 10 years ago as a teenager with no real knowledge or measuring (daily, right after I would exercise, as part of that routine).
Right now, BP EM: 5.75 x 4.50
And my ‘short term’ GOAL is: 6.50 x 5.50 (obviously to increase when that’s met!)
Starting off with the newbie routine, lots of stretching and soon to start clamping (buying clamps tomorrow). I also feel I hang small when flaccid and am looking for fatter/heavier flaccid size.
Does anyone have experience using Viagra, Cialis or similar during clamping? Not something I’d intend to trying right away, but curious about increased blood flow due to those medications. Additionally, it is suggested to move around while clamping - does anyone here lift or do other exercise with their clamps on?
Here’s hoping to show some decent gains in the next 3 months with a 3-1-2-1 rotation, and will be devouring this forum and site for info as it goes. Thanks to everyone who has posted here and helped to inform the rest of us!