Hey all, I’m new to PE, just starting my first routines today actually, and I have a few questions that didn’t seem to be covered in the faqs here…
As far as ‘stretching’ goes, how long should a kedgel be done while doing 1 stretch (Shoud I hold a kedgel the whole time or should i only do them some of the time)?
When I stretch/Jelq, my hairs very often get caught and i have to spend lots of time ‘re-adjusting’… would it be best if I shaved/trimmed them a bit?
I’m only 18 and I live at home… if someone is home while I’m doing PE, and gets suspcious as to why I’m in the bathroom for 25 mins+ at a time… what should I say? I don’t know if my parents would be very supportive of the whole PE thing, and if I don’t have a good excuse, they’ll think I’m masturbating, which also wouldn’t go over well since we’re all very strongly involved in Christianity…
Can I get some help here? Thanks in advance!!
hmm... yeah...