Thunder's Place

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No more length gains, only girth

No more length gains, only girth

I did the Newbie routine for 6 months and made some good flaccid gains. About 1 inch length and 0,5 inch girth.
NBPEL did not seem to have changed so I decided to start hanging. My routine consist of hanging and jelqing and I have actually made some erect girth gains but nothing on the length side.

Question no1: Why did I not get any erect gains during my Newbie routine?
Question no2: Does my girth gains slow down my length gains?

Hi. Well I did measure BPEL but no gains there either. I did not get any erect gains at all during the Newbie routine.

Although BPFSL showed good gains.

If I remember correctly, as long as you have BPFSL, erection gain should follow.

Perhaps change up your routine. Did you gain flaccid length from 6 months of newbie routine?

Whatever you do, just don’t do it hard. Slowly progress to more advanced routines.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by kubchaser

Did you gain flaccid length from 6 months of newbie routine?

Yes I did almost directly gain 1 inch in flaccid length but the last 3-4 months of the Newbie routine nothing happened.

What about EQ?

Originally Posted by datdat
What about EQ?

My EQ was good. It had been bad for years but when I started PE I went from a 6 to a 9 but it would only be a 9 for 10 minutes then it would get back to a 6 but still I got better EQ. Though I can`t really say if it was only my starting of PE that made the difference because at the same time I just started to take a lot of Cayenne, Ginger, Arginine, Zinc, Magnesium etc.

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