Thunder's Place

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On measuring girth

On measuring girth

Hello all! Quick question here, and since I couldn’t find any previous material written about it, I thought I’d see what the general opinion about it is.

My question involves measuring erect girth. What I can’t seem to figure out is whether one’s foreskin should be pulled back while measuring, and if so, by how much. I’ve noticed that I get a difference in measurement by as much as a quarter of an inch between when my foreskin is in its resting position half-covering the glans and when it is pulled tightly back.

It seems to me that the most useful measurement would reflect the girth actually felt during penetration, and since the foreskin is retracted at that time, a retracted foreskin measurement seems most realistic. However, the question then arises of how far back to retract the foreskin; after all, while penetrating, the foreskin is not as tightly pulled back as can be done manually, but rather seems to shift centering on what might generally be considered half the retraction manually achievable.

If anyone has any thoughts on this matter I’d be fascinated to hear them.

Get a hard-on and wrap a tape around it as you see it. The main thing is to make the measurement consistent so you can monitor gains.

Measuring for gains is for your knowledge and encouragement. Your cock is going to feel the same whether you say it is 5.25 EG or 5.5 EG. The measurement is a referrence for noting gains. Just be consistent.


Proxima, first let’s remember the real purpose for measuring. It is to find out how much you have grown over a space of time. This makes the foreskin an irrelevance because the foreskin does not contribute to gains in size in any major way. When it comes to measuring, with the purpose of calculating your growth, do not retract your foreskin because it may cause inconsistencies in measuring. Your goal is to find out how much the flesh of your penis has grown and flaps of skin can destort the readings. The girth exercises you do work by increasing the size of the tunica, CC and CS. It is the growth of these that you want to calculate.

Measure any way that you like if it isn’t to calculate growth though.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 01-12-2005 at .

From what you wrote I am assuming you are trying to measure your girth around the glans ridge. Personally I think shaft girth is what should be reported for girth averages. The foreskin should be retracted even if you measure the glans girth. IF you are intending to measure gains in the glans by all means this is the best measurement. The PE database asks for midshaft girth to be reported and I hope that is what is being listed in everyone’s sig. Surveys should insist on differentiating shaft and glans girth. For the sake of comparing to circumcised men you should pull it back to expose the glans too. It is of course a personal opinion though.

Forgive me if I assumed incorrectly :)

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

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