Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE For Nephew

Originally Posted by Pud

The difference is Siam did nothing to warrant such remarks. So don’t give me a moral equivalence to Bionic, because frankly that is insulting.

Oh, so two wrongs do make a right. My bad. I’ll check out of this now. JG has posted more pics. :D


Originally Posted by RoomToGrow
Oh, so two wrongs do make a right. My bad.

You see a man beating a woman, you walk over and ask him to stop he tells you to go fuck yourself. He continues to beat the women, you threaten him this time to stop, but he continues. It now looks like he might kill her with the blows she is taking to the head. You grab the man but you don’t have the strength to pull him off of her. He continues to kick her in the head.

I guess you walk away at that point because after all two wrongs don’t make a right.

Now he kills the women because you would not defend her. I blame him and you.

If you killed the guy before he killed her would you be equally guilty of murder? You would not, the law distinguishes between the two. And for someone to call you a murder and equate what you did to what he did, would be wrong.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Pud, I don’t understand where YOUR vitriol is coming from? Have you actually read anything I was trying to convey or are you just trying to refute each and every statement I make? Did I say that he recomended HT for kids? I believe I was commenting on the fact that his statement doesn’t come from science. How can you say something like that but not have any proof to back it up. Steroid use in people who have not fully matured HAS been shown, time and time again, to cause bones to fuse and stunt growth, among other nasty things. This is not my opinion. This is FACT. Google it. You don’t see the need to call people out when they make dangerous comments? You don’t take into account that the guy that started the thread is now interested in this? And I, TOTALLY, agree that people are entitled to their opinions but this WAS NOT an opinion. It was fantasy that was passed off as fact. Your dislike for my comments is neither here nor there, it belies the fact that you’d rather come off as important and knowledgeable rather than accept logic and reason.

No matter how many times I say that I wasn’t attacking siamguy, you keep saying that I did. That’s fine. I think there are some very smart people on this site and can see what I was trying to convey. That’s just life, I guess. The truth hurts and most people would rather opt for what they want to hear. Well, I’m done with this. I hope everything works out for the kid. But for those of you that would rather flame than have a constructive argument, see ya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya.

Originally Posted by Pud
You see a man beating a woman, you walk over and ask him to stop he tells you to go fuck yourself. He continues to beat the women, you threaten him this time to stop, but he continues. It now looks like he might kill her with the blows she is taking to the head. You grab the man but you don’t have the strength to pull him off of her. He continues to kick her in the head.

I guess you walk away at that point because after all two wrongs don’t make a right.

Now he kills the women because you would not defend her. I blame him and you.

If you killed the guy before he killed her would you be equally guilty of murder? You would not, the law distinguishes between the two. And for someone to call you a murder and equate what you did to what he did, would be wrong.

So wait! LMFAO! If I understand your analogy, I’m the murderer and Siam is the woman? Yes, I am a murderer of NONSENSE! HAHAHAHA! And you are the hero that comes along and saves her? HAHAHAHAHA! Can we say megalomania? Isn’t RTG entitled to HIS opinion? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Or could it be that Siam is the murderer and you’re the woman and I am the one that saves you. Yeah, I like that one. BTW, I didn’t twist his words around. I quoted him directly.

Last edited by Bionic : 05-16-2005 at . Reason: Forgot something

Originally Posted by Bionic
So wait! LMFAO! If I understand your analogy, I’m the murderer and Siam is the woman? Yes, I am a murderer of NONSENSE! HAHAHAHA! And you are the hero that comes along and saves her? HAHAHAHAHA! Can we say megalomania? Isn’t RTG entitled to HIS opinion? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Or could it be that Siam is the murderer and you’re the woman and I am the one that saves you. Yeah, I like that one. BTW, I didn’t twist his words around. I quoted him directly.

The analogy is on moral equivalence.
And of course you have it wrong as well.

Siam is the women, you are the wife beater and RTG is the bystander. I’m the judge who hears the case after RTG let you beat Siam to death. :)

RTG defense was, did you see that butt ugly women, I figure I was doing the world a favor. ;)

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

oops double post

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Vater
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 there’s gonna be a flame war.

5-6-7-8, a few people will be shown the door.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Get over yourself, bro. “I’m the judge who hears the case after RTG let you beat Siam to death. :) ” So now you are the law! HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re just digging the hole deeper. This is a VERY telling statement. I have to say that I’m pretty surprised that you are calling people women and murderers, however moronic the analogy, and people say nothing. But I call someone out because what they said and it starts all of this nonsense? Again, curious. You are obviously, in love with yourself and have your mind made up and see nothing wrong with posting dangerous phallacies, so more power to you. “In the land of those with their eyes wide open, the man w/glasses has vision problems.”

Originally Posted by twatteaser
5-6-7-8, a few people will be shown the door.

If that’s your decision, that is fine. I would just like to point out that I did nothing wrong. If pointing out unfounded and dangerous information is wrong, guilty as charged. I completely undertand the mob-mentality and am not surprised at you all turning against the “new guy.” If this site is dedicated to exposing truths, I’m all for it. But if your agenda is something other than that, no need to show me the door for I will have already used it.

Steve Austin settle down, that is all I ask. Try and keep every discussion civil. Don’t burn out your bionic circuits over the small stuff. I NEED EVERYONE (NOT JUST YOU) to be as calm as Hindu Cows going down in an airplane crash. Discuss, never argue, sometimes a heated debate develops BUT don’t get burned or burn others.


“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Thank you, TT. Point taken. I think arguments can help except for when they become personal attacks. No good comes from that and the only reason for it is someone not having anything concrete to retort with.

TT saves the day!!

This is a BIG TOPIC, where two people can have two very different opinions. When topics like this come up, people become very emotionally involved with the ideas and thoughts being said back and forth. This can be a very good thing; it is essential for people to learn and grow together. But it can also be a bad thing; people take it to personally.

Bionic, I partially agree with your thoughts, but I believe you have the same problem I once had (and still have to an extent). You are very defensive, as I use to be. It actually took many people telling me this until I realized it to be true. I know my words alone will not change you, but I hope in the long run they will help you understand that being a defensive person gets you no where.

Many people are telling you to “keep this civil.” I do not think it being civil is the problem, rather you taking it from good emontional involvment with the topic (which helps people learn and grow), to a bad emotional involvement (which leads to hurt feelings and people being upset… which leads to people being banned.)

I am not trying to lecture you, nor am I trying to attack you. I am trying to help you, as you are trying to help the topic poster. Please think about my post for a while before you reply. After all, I did spend my time on thinking of the situation, and a solution.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

On to the topic at hand. I say there is no way that we can know for sure if it will help or hurt the teenager.

Personally, I think LIGHT jelqing and stretching, might inhibit growth.

But we cannot simply stop teenagers from doing it until we know for sure.

What if it helps growth? We could be telling a lie for many years, when it is far from the truth.


Until prooth is brought forth, I suggest theories, rather than facts being told.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Thank you for your words remek. I read each and EVERY word and let it process. May I retort? Thank you. I will ALWAYS defend the TRUTH. PERIOD. I don’t know how you all perceived my tone to be but you are far from the truth, in this matter. Of course I will always defend my POV unless someone comes along with a strong enough argument to change my mind. This was SOOOOO not the case here. Nor was the perception that I was “angry” or “worked up.” Should I have allowed the personal attacks? Should I have not spoken to the fact that, while Siamguy did not recommend hormone treatment for the child, he made it seem like this was something that doctor’s do, implying that it’s a viable option? C’mon. I’m not now nor have I ever been angry at anyone on this board. I was simply responding to posts aimed at me, personally. I don’t know any of you, for crying out loud! LOL But I do take exception to people passing half-truths and straight out lies from ‘bro to ‘bro (hence bro-telligence.) Most of the time it’s harmless but not when we are talking about manipulating hormones. It’s one thing to pull your cock and name the move after yourself but it’s a whole other matter to suggest or imply things that could have fatal consequences.

Last edited by Bionic : 05-16-2005 at . Reason: Misspelling.

Originally Posted by remek
Until prooth is brought forth, I suggest theories, rather than facts being told.

You’re joking, right?


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