Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE For Nephew

I hope he doesn’t give hormones to his neice, either, if he has one.

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

I sure wish I had an uncle that told me about P.E. when I was young. I don’t see how in the world it would hinder anything, but who really knows. Surely some P.E. would have helped my little turtle head back then.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine

I sure wish I had an uncle that told me about P.E. When I was young. I don’t see how in the world it would hinder anything, but who really knows. Surely some P.E. Would have helped my little turtle head back then.

I’m with you

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by Bionic
I think it’s GREAT that this boy has people around him who would help him with such a sensitive issue. But do you think this would, as a side-effect, make him place too much importance on penis size or just his penis, in general? I think, along with PE, he should be taught about weightlifting, have education made a priorty and maybe join a team sport, as all of these things have been proven to add to a developing child’s self-esteem. Not to mention that he would be less likely to use recreational drugs, if involved in these types of activities. Just use your brain and you’ll make the right decision. Hope this helps.


He already does sports, and he’s incredibly smart at school. I am his godfather so I’m pretty close to him so I know for a fact that he’d never do anything stupid as to do any of the exercises too hard. He’s always been a careful child so if his father and I decide to introduce him to PE and I find out he hurts himself then I’d be a bit dissapointed in him. It seems that no one is really truly sure if it is dangerous or not. The main factor seems to be a psychological factor. It seems however that my brother is still left with this decision.

I think there should be a discussion with the boy’s pediatrician. If there is a hormonal problem, it can and should be resolved while the boy is still a teen. Later on, those DHT receptors shut down, never to be awakened again.

By the way, Penismith’s made a very good point in his remarks about tissue thickening. I hadn’t thought of that at all, but it would certainly be a drag if the kid toughened up his tunica to the point where natural growth would be inhibited.

Has anybody considered that the kid might actually be normal? I could have sworn I had the smallest dick on the planet when I was 14, but in reality I was quite average. Also, is it possible that this is a transient issue with the kid and the adults might be overreacting?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I know one thing for sure. If I had known about PE when I was 12, I would’ve damn sure done it. Id’ve spent a lot more time pulling it out instead of beating it in…. :)

Originally Posted by Bionic
Hypo-gonadism refers to abnormally small testicles.

No it doesn’t. If you’re so interested in Truth and whatnot, try clicking the link I provided. Doctors do, indeed, inject these boys with testosterone to make their penises grow (among other things that happen during puberty). Likewise, I’d suggest reading the threads Penismith referred to. They do make a good case that premature PE could potentially limit growth. No one knows for sure.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Has anybody considered that the kid might actually be normal?

That’s exactly what SiamGuy was suggesting when he said that the kid should wait for his dick to finish growing. At least that was my understanding of his comment. I agree with you guys. No need to give the kid a dick complex now; he might end up with a 10x7 by the end of puberty, for all we know, or his insecurities could just go away regardless of whether his penis grows.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Last edited by Para-Goomba : 05-17-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Bionic
As for collagen thickening as a result of adaptation, what do you think growth is? Growth is an adaptive response to stress. Let’s look at it in terms of bodybuilding (because that’s what you’re doing here.) You start off with a certain weight but then your muscles “adapt” by growing larger to accomodate the stress. What happens after the muscles “adapt”? You will no longer add any muscle because you are now equipped to handle that amount of stress (which in this case is “x” amount of weight.) What do you do? You add more stress/weight, of course. Then Viola!! You begin to grow again. Now I know that PE is not the same as stretching your cock but the SAME PROCESSES apply! Growth is growth. I’m not, by any means, suggesting that he should be doing advanced routines or whatever. I am stating that a disciplined routine of stretching and jelquing will be VERY beneficial to a child that has accelerated healing and massive amounts of hormones, mainly DHT, flowing through his system.
Again, I apologize if I came of as harsh and disrespectful. I’m not looking to make any enemies but I don’t think that nonsense should be passed off as fact, particulary when it could ruin someone for life.

You have not yet demonstrated a facility with penile developmental theory. You present you hypotheses as fact and deliver these opinions in a condescending manner. Read this tread. If you can shed new insights and help us answer some of the larger questions, I will get out of your hair in the newbie forum. If not, I am going to have to ask you to change your approach.


Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
No it doesn’t. If you’re so interested in Truth and whatnot, try clicking the link I provided. Doctors do, indeed, inject these boys with testosterone to make their penises grow (among other things that happen during puberty). Likewise, I’d suggest reading the threads Penismith referred to. They do make a good case that premature PE could potentially limit growth. No one knows for sure.

Ok. The link that you provided shows how testosterone was supplemented to stimulate puberty in children that have REAL medical issues. That is the main focus. In regards to this situation, ultraborn stated that his nephew is already experiencing puberty. Nowhere does it state, suggest or imply that this protocol is used to enlarge penises in normal, developing children. Nor does it imply, suggest or otherwise state that penis enlargement with TRT is more beneficial during and right after puberty in healthy adolescents.

The thread that penissmith refers to is an ABSTRACT: 1 a : relating to or having the character of theory : ABSTRACT b : confined to theory or speculation often in contrast to practical applications : SPECULATIVE <theoretical physics>
2 : given to or skilled in theorizing <a brilliant theoretical physicist>
3 : existing only in theory : HYPOTHETICAL <gave as an example a theoretical situation> .

“Our findings indicate that transient low oxygen tension induces PDGF overexpression in rat CC, which in the long term may lead to an increase of connective tissue production. We suggest that a local impairment of the PDGF/PDGFR system may contribute to CC fibrosis, which is an established cause of erectile dysfunction in man.”

”.. MAY lead to an increase of connective tissue.” Should not be confused with the phrase, “It DOES lead to an increase of connective tissue.” It also suggests that this happens in the long-term. What is the time frame? Until this is PROVEN, it shall sit on the shelf with all of the other THEORIES.
Is it my hypothesis that growth is an adaptive response to progressive stress? Is it my opinion that ligs and tendons that have become contracted, scarred or thickened can experience plastic deformation? Thank you for your vote of confidence but I did not discover bodybuilding science, physiology or bio-chemistry. You seem to have read everything that I wrote, except for where I apologized for my tone, which I will no longer do. You also stated that I have not yet demonstrated a facility with penile developmental theory. Possibly but IT IS MY OPINION that the same is true for you.

Originally Posted by ultraborn
He already does sports, and he’s incredibly smart at school. I am his godfather so I’m pretty close to him so I know for a fact that he’d never do anything stupid as to do any of the exercises too hard. He’s always been a careful child so if his father and I decide to introduce him to PE and I find out he hurts himself then I’d be a bit dissapointed in him. It seems that no one is really truly sure if it is dangerous or not. The main factor seems to be a psychological factor. It seems however that my brother is still left with this decision.

UB, I’m truly sorry that this thread has turned into something else. I hope that, at least, you were able to glean some information that will help you and his dad w/your decision. I think you are a great uncle and Godfather for researching this for him and your nephew is luckier than he knows. God bless and good luck.

Does anyone care what I think? I didnt think so. But here goes anyway.

1) This kid may be perfectly normal sized already, we have guys around here with 8X6’s that still say they feel small.
2) We have no idea what stretching your dick will do for a teenager, period. We can hypothesize all we want with whatever facts we can garner and we will still not know.
3) If it was my kid I would only tell him if he seemed like a responsible kind of kid. Boys think they will never get injured and I would be afraid of him thinking “if a little pulling and tugging is good than a lot must be better”. We see this even with the adults.

Okay now back to our regular programming.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

His father and I have come to a decision. We’ve decided to wait another year to see if his self-esteem issues clear up, if not we’re going to introduce him to PE. Thank you all for your help.

Originally Posted by Bionic
Is it my hypothesis that growth is an adaptive response to progressive stress? Is it my opinion that ligs and tendons that have become contracted, scarred or thickened can experience plastic deformation? Thank you for your vote of confidence but I did not discover bodybuilding science, physiology or bio-chemistry. You seem to have read everything that I wrote, except for where I apologized for my tone, which I will no longer do. You also stated that I have not yet demonstrated a facility with penile developmental theory. Possibly but IT IS MY OPINION that the same is true for you.

I have no problem with this post. I think you see that there is a whole lot we don’t know and for that reason, we err on the side of caution when it comes to minors.


Originally Posted by ultraborn
His father and I have come to a decision. We’ve decided to wait another year to see if his self-esteem issues clear up, if not we’re going to introduce him to PE. Thank you all for your help.

As 789 said, things might be the way they should - even if his self-esteem issues don’t clear up, penis size may be just something to focus the problems on - size may not be small after all?

What I’m getting at is that maybe self-esteem should come from other things first and that you and his father work on those areas first.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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