Originally Posted by SiamGuy
Indeed, having penis size issues at 12 is normal. It happens often when they encounter others who are farther along the puberty stage than they are. Since length on average stops growing naturally at around age 16 , you should wait.
As for safety. Of course PE carries risks. So does letting him drive at age 16. Hormone treatment to enlarge the penis is most effective during and right after puberty. Theoretically PE will be the same. If you do choose to educate him in PE make sure he knows all the dangers it entails and that you are not forcing him to do it.
This is absolutely CRAZY!! I don’t believe that manual PE will negatively affect penis size. If anything, it will only add size, in a relatively short amount of time because of the massive amounts of growth factors flowing in his system. Do you really think that manual exercises would stop his DNA from expressing itself? C’mon. It has also been shown that the more erections and the longer the duration, during puberty, leads to larger penis size as an adult. There is a great deal of “bro-telligence” that floats around on these sites and, sadly, intelligence gets tossed by the wayside. Siamguy just gave some VERY dangerous and stupid “information.” What doctor would treat a normal, healthy child w/hormones to make his penis grow? Where are the studies on this?! Why would a child, that has massive amounts of hormones circulating through his system, need exogenous sources of hormones? This is exactly the kind of nonsense that floats around and gets people seriously fucked up! Exogenous sources of hormones will cause this developing child’s bones to fuse, thereby, stunting all growth. Ultraborn, jelquing and stretching his penis will aid in expanding his penis. It WILL NOT cause it to not grow and maybe it won’t help at all but it WILL NOT hinder his natural growth. Every kid that “discovers” his penis rubs and tugs on it. Doing a dedicated routine may prove to be quite beneficial as far as growth is concerned. Just please, do not listen to assinine and ridiculous “info” that will do more harm than good.
I think it’s GREAT that this boy has people around him who would help him with such a sensitive issue. But do you think this would, as a side-effect, make him place too much importance on penis size or just his penis, in general? I think, along with PE, he should be taught about weightlifting, have education made a priorty and maybe join a team sport, as all of these things have been proven to add to a developing child’s self-esteem. Not to mention that he would be less likely to use recreational drugs, if involved in these types of activities. Just use your brain and you’ll make the right decision. Hope this helps.