Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE For Nephew

PE For Nephew

I have a nephew who is apparently having very low self-esteem issues. My brother (who’s his father) tells me that it is because he’s worried about the size of his penis. He’s 13 and is turning 14 in 6 months. He started going through puberty at the age of 12, and he’s still going through it. I’ve discussed natural penis enlargement as a cure for his self-esteem with my brother, and he is very interested. We are both worried if this is safe for him though.

Indeed, having penis size issues at 12 is normal. It happens often when they encounter others who are farther along the puberty stage than they are. Since length on average stops growing naturally at around age 16 , you should wait. As an uncle you also should not be the one to talk to him about it (or anything sexual) without the consent of his parents. This is to protect yourself from any misunderstandings of your intentions. It does sound odd but thats what society has come to.

As for safety. Of course PE carries risks. So does letting him drive at age 16. Hormone treatment to enlarge the penis is most effective during and right after puberty. Theoretically PE will be the same. If you do choose to educate him in PE make sure he knows all the dangers it entails and that you are not forcing him to do it.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Thank you Siam, I realized that and that is why I talk to his father about this rather than him himself. And it isn’t me that decides whether to introduce him to PE, it’s his father himself. It appears that NPE is not safe for kids his age so I’ll talk to my brother telling him it isn’t safe.

Where can I find more imformation about PE with hormones?

There is nothing to prove either way that PE would affect natural growth. Personally, I don’t think it would but that is just my opinion.

I think it depends more on the maturity of the person as I am sure that there are many 14 year olds that are more able to safely conduct PE than many 25 year olds. 13 is definetely pushing it, but hey the earlier they start the more time they have to enjoy the increased size.

I wish I would have started early on in high school because you have a lot of extra time at that age.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

When he is 18, you can send him off to Thunder’s Summer Camp. I hear that Bamaxgee runs a good PE regime there, and Twat is a frequent teacher of the not-so-subtle art of mindfucking. The Pirates are regularly enlisted for teaching Wenchology, and the they have Anna Nimity and Churchy Lefemme teaching what and what not to say to girls. I think you’ll find that what they say about Thunder Summer Camp is true - “Where the boys come to grow - and have the bulge to prove it”.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

PE is a bad idea for someone that young.


Originally Posted by SiamGuy
Indeed, having penis size issues at 12 is normal. It happens often when they encounter others who are farther along the puberty stage than they are. Since length on average stops growing naturally at around age 16 , you should wait.
As for safety. Of course PE carries risks. So does letting him drive at age 16. Hormone treatment to enlarge the penis is most effective during and right after puberty. Theoretically PE will be the same. If you do choose to educate him in PE make sure he knows all the dangers it entails and that you are not forcing him to do it.

This is absolutely CRAZY!! I don’t believe that manual PE will negatively affect penis size. If anything, it will only add size, in a relatively short amount of time because of the massive amounts of growth factors flowing in his system. Do you really think that manual exercises would stop his DNA from expressing itself? C’mon. It has also been shown that the more erections and the longer the duration, during puberty, leads to larger penis size as an adult. There is a great deal of “bro-telligence” that floats around on these sites and, sadly, intelligence gets tossed by the wayside. Siamguy just gave some VERY dangerous and stupid “information.” What doctor would treat a normal, healthy child w/hormones to make his penis grow? Where are the studies on this?! Why would a child, that has massive amounts of hormones circulating through his system, need exogenous sources of hormones? This is exactly the kind of nonsense that floats around and gets people seriously fucked up! Exogenous sources of hormones will cause this developing child’s bones to fuse, thereby, stunting all growth. Ultraborn, jelquing and stretching his penis will aid in expanding his penis. It WILL NOT cause it to not grow and maybe it won’t help at all but it WILL NOT hinder his natural growth. Every kid that “discovers” his penis rubs and tugs on it. Doing a dedicated routine may prove to be quite beneficial as far as growth is concerned. Just please, do not listen to assinine and ridiculous “info” that will do more harm than good.

I think it’s GREAT that this boy has people around him who would help him with such a sensitive issue. But do you think this would, as a side-effect, make him place too much importance on penis size or just his penis, in general? I think, along with PE, he should be taught about weightlifting, have education made a priorty and maybe join a team sport, as all of these things have been proven to add to a developing child’s self-esteem. Not to mention that he would be less likely to use recreational drugs, if involved in these types of activities. Just use your brain and you’ll make the right decision. Hope this helps.



Please read the forum guidelines and tone down the vitriolic tone toward other posters.

Also, as far as I can tell, SiamGuy did not suggest that PE would inhibit natural penile growth. He can explain himself, but I believe you are misinterpreting his post.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Hey Bionic,

With PE we are talking about a lot more than simple rubbing and tugging. There is a lot of inflammation as well as other examples fluid passing barriers it does not usually pass when doing PE. We also know that collagen adapts to stress by thickening. This is probably what leads to plateau in seasoned PEers and we don’t know how it will affect natural growth. Read up on fibrosis which I don’t have time to get into. We don’t know how these things (and many more) will factor into natural penis growth. When you get a chance, read the “why gains slow thread” in the suplements section.

When dealing with the development of a young adult, we very much error on the side of caution around here.

Pardon what may have seemed to be vitriol. I just get really angry when people impart psuedo-science when they have no clue about what they speak of. What may be peceived as vitriol towards siamguy should also be considered as love for those who are seeking help. Suggesting hormone therapy for a child is just nonsense, plain and simple. Para-Goomba, I never stated that he said pe would inhibit natural growth. Penis-Smith, if you err on the side of caution when dealing with young adults, why have you not commented on his suggesting hormones? Do you really believe that this is safer than say jelqing everyday and/or tugging on his unit? I hope not.

As for collagen thickening as a result of adaptation, what do you think growth is? Growth is an adaptive response to stress. Let’s look at it in terms of bodybuilding (because that’s what you’re doing here.) You start off with a certain weight but then your muscles “adapt” by growing larger to accomodate the stress. What happens after the muscles “adapt”? You will no longer add any muscle because you are now equipped to handle that amount of stress (which in this case is “x” amount of weight.) What do you do? You add more stress/weight, of course. Then Viola!! You begin to grow again. Now I know that PE is not the same as stretching your cock but the SAME PROCESSES apply! Growth is growth. I’m not, by any means, suggesting that he should be doing advanced routines or whatever. I am stating that a disciplined routine of stretching and jelquing will be VERY beneficial to a child that has accelerated healing and massive amounts of hormones, mainly DHT, flowing through his system.

Again, I apologize if I came of as harsh and disrespectful. I’m not looking to make any enemies but I don’t think that nonsense should be passed off as fact, particulary when it could ruin someone for life.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

Please read the forum guidelines and tone down the vitriolic tone toward other posters.

I forgot to mention that I never said anything bad about siamguy. My comments were aimed at his “advice” and not the man. Sorry if it was perceived this way. BTW, where was the info published on the “fact” that penis length, on average, stops growing naturally around 16? LMAO!

Originally Posted by Bionic
Suggesting hormone therapy for a child is just nonsense, plain and simple.

I don’t think SiamGuy ever suggested such a thing. His reference to hormone therapy was probably in relation to male hypogonadism or some such thing. I don’t know. I can understand your anger at the idea of hormone therapy to enlarge one’s (normal, healthy) penis, but I think it’s worth asking SiamGuy what he was talking about before attributing that idea to him.

Originally Posted by Bionic, immediately after a quote from SiamGuy
This is absolutely CRAZY!! I don’t believe that manual PE will negatively affect penis size…. Do you really think that manual exercises would stop his DNA from expressing itself? C’mon.

Originally Posted by Bionic
Para-Goomba, I never stated that he said pe would inhibit natural growth


Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I’ll try not to piss off Bionic with this post:)

I think the issue about age isn’t so much about hormones and growth but maturity. A 14 year old will no doubt injure himself, he will have a very hard time not crossing that line. If the size of his penis is a real problem he would go at PE with a fury.

Now ask yourself about penis growth when he has a burst blood vessel and can’t have a erection without it being painful for three months. That’s three months of a very important growth period. Now also consider what thats going to do to his self-esteem, he now has a small dick that doesn’t work. And three months is a life time to a 14 year old. The risk is to great at that age and it just isn’t worth the risk.

I’d say a 12-17 year old is just too young for most. Sure there are exceptions, but they find this website on their own read for hours on end and do it themselves.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I don’t think SiamGuy ever suggested such a thing. His reference to hormone therapy was probably in relation to male hypogonadism or some such thing. I don’t know. I can understand your anger at the idea of hormone therapy to enlarge one’s (normal, healthy) penis, but I think it’s worth asking SiamGuy what he was talking about before attributing that idea to him.


He, specifically, said for penis growth. Hypo-gonadism refers to abnormally small testicles. Oh and Andro, sorry for the misspelling. Pud,I somewhat agree w/ you. So are you saying that he shouldn’t do anything that could possibly injure him? No bike riding or sports or anything that may or may not cause an injury? I would like to think that if his family were going to teach him about this, they would explain the do’s and don’ts, as opposed to just giving him a link to a site and letting him have at it. What I’m failing to understand is why my opinions are being met w/such resistance while unintelligent, non-scientific jibber-jabber is defended. Quite curious.

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