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PE helps this old guy pee Will it help erections too

PE helps this old guy pee Will it help erections too

I am an old guy with some prostrate trouble (checked and tested by doc and just have to keep an eye on it). Since I started doing PE only a few days ago I am finding that my pee stream is just so much stronger. This is a surprise and very welcome side effect.

I am now hoping that I will find it easier to get erections on demand like I used to. Nowadays they only come when I watch porn or take a woman to bed (not so much with my wife though!).

Good to hear the good signs you already got! The generally accepted view is that you erection will benefit from PE. Kegels are very good to prevent prostate problems, but I don’t know how they influence your illness.

It should be stated by law that wives have to be exchanged after a certain number of years of marriage.. - Just joking! :)

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Thanks CH that’s reassuring. I don’t think I’d want to exchange the wife really, but she might exchange me if she ever catches me with one of the other women. Especially as I get rock hard erections with them in no time at all but it’s a job to get one at all with her!

How long are you married to her? I guess it could be the effect of boredom, loss of passion and routine.

Did you ever try to spice up your marriage?

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Glad your prostate health is improving.

Be careful as to what you post in case your wife tracks you online.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I think you have hit the problem. How does over 40 years sound, because that’s about it. She still looks young and is quite pretty, but the fun has gone out of it and she will not experiment, which is how I came to start looking around elsewhere. Maybe my dick is a bit too small for her, but the current mistresses haven’t complained about it, maybe they are just being polite.

Thank’s for your concern, that’s one thing I am safe from, she hasn’t a clue about using the computer!

Originally Posted by kumbyah

.. She still looks young and is quite pretty, but the fun has gone out of it and she will not experiment, which is how I came to start looking around elsewhere. ..

Add ten years and that’s my case. I was also at that turning point to look around, but we managed to save the marriage with a new start and it’s working pretty well.

It is very much about your will to change the things. It’s a very common and an extensively analysed situation. Someone has to initiate the changes and needs patience and a lot of discussions. If there is will on both sides (and you may find out that she would be more than happy to have a new start with you), communication can solve anything.

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Thank you for those thoughts CH. I have tried and tried, but she just has this age idea that it is wrong do it when you get to our age. She gets nasty if I try talking about it. We are happy in every other way, so I just gave up trying and went along with her (and get the sex elsewhere!).

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