PE Injury
First off let me say this is the first time to post on this site, I have been PE’ing for the past 3 months now so let me start from the begining.
I was doing the stretching and Jelgs for about 30 min’s a day3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off, 10 mins of stretching and 20 mins of Jelging. At the begining of the 3rd month I had a very small amount of blood come from out of the end of my penis, I stoppped everything for 3 weeks. I then started back only with light jelging (no stretching) for the last 2 weeks. Yesterday would have been the last day of the second week, I did stretch yesterday and then went to the jelging, and during the last 5 min’s I had blood come from the end of my penis again. Can anyone give some advise here from any past experiences.
Thanks for any help.