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Permanent flaccid gains

Permanent flaccid gains


I’m new to the site and PE (been at it about 2 months, no real gains yet). I come to PE interested primarily in flaccid gain - not for any locker room reasons or to have an enormous package or anything (though those would be dandy), but mainly because my penis turtles a lot - often when bending over or sitting down, and I find the feeling distracting and frustrating.

I know many users have reported flaccid gains, but I’m wondering how permanent these gains have been for people. Many people seem to swear by the fowfer,but people have also noted that they need to keep fowfering to keep the flaccid gains. Similarly it seems that penis stretching devices can dramatically increase flaccid size, but I’ve also heard many reporting that their flaccids shrink back to “normal” after discontinuing use of the stretcher. I’m willing to try both methods (and have already experimented with Fowfers), but I’m probably not going to sit on my dick for the rest of my life (or wear a stretcher into my golden years).

So, can anyone say that they have made flaccid gains that stick without the constant use of an invasive technique or device? Any tips?

Also curious to hear if anyone else has had a problem with frequent turtling (before starting PE) and has been able to overcome it thanks to PE.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Originally Posted by Ninja Turtle
I come to PE interested primarily in flaccid gain - not for any locker room reasons or to have an enormous package or anything (though those would be dandy), but mainly because my penis turtles a lot - often when bending over or sitting down, and I find the feeling distracting and frustrating.

So all you really want is to prevent turtling so you personally won’t be distracted? Other types of gains aren’t really an issue, you say?

I think you should just live your life and relax. Turtling is normal and natural (it really isn’t a problem). And since everything else is fine (as you’ve said), I think you should just go out and enjoy life.

I am suggesting a extender for you, but the newbie routine will provide flaccid gains too!

Just continue your PE and you should see flaccid gains. Fowfer whenever you get the chance and that should work too, but you certainly won’t have to sit on your dick for the rest of your life!

With extenders

I read many posts concerning use of extenders, as I use the X4 Labs deluxe kit, and many advise that when you get to that point where you do not want to “extend” further, that you use a “maintenance” plan. Don’t quit, just reduce sessions to maintain where you are at. That sounds ok to me. I have more flaccid length than when I started, and am enthusiastic about continuing.

Thanks guys. So you think that basic PE can result in permanent flaccid gains? And do you think that this results from an increase in blood flow, or does the actual tissue enlarge? Just curious.

A hard conditiontraining with sauna after is the best for flaccid hang, which stays for very long time after. And jelqing in the evenings had helped me, but are still not happy with my legnth. How long is your flaccid?

Starting 01/05/2009: BPEL: 15.5 cm (6.1 inches) MSEG: 12.5 cm (4.9 inches)

back then: BPEL: 17.5 cm (6.9 inches) MSEG: 13 cm (5.1 inches)

Now: BPEL: 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) MSEG: 12.7 cm (5.0 inches)

I have bad turtling also but I believe fowfering helps with flaccid gains. I try to fowfer as much as possible but too much can lead to a very sore dick, so preferably in the late afternoon and around bed time. I fowfer before I go to sleep and if I fall asleep with my dick tucked in the morning my flaccid penis looks extremely long.

Start: 05/26/09 6.375" x 5.125" Goal: 8" x 6"

Current: 08/30/09 6.750" x 5.500"

Gainomax: my flaccid is anywhere from, oh, zero to 3.5 inches. I say zero because it turtles frequently, often when bending or sitting (though not always). But when standing, usually around 3.

Caliente - thanks for the fowfer tips. So your penis is long in the morning after fowfering - does that last throughout the day? A few hours? And do you think if you stopped fowfering the gains would still be there or would it return to “normal” size?


I think fowfering often just makes your dick accustomed to being in a stretched length so it stays that way, as long as you fowfer any chance you get. Also PE increases blood flow which results in increases in flaccid size.

If you build real, solid cock through long-term PEing, then even when your penis turtles, it will still be bigger than it used to be (when turtling). And to keep “real, solid” PE gains, most guys think that only a minimal maintenance routine (e.g., 10 minutes of jelqing/stretching every other day) is needed. I do think, though, that if you’re prone to turtling, you’ll probably still turtle pretty often, post-PE, unless you’re keeping to an active, rigorous routine.

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