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Policy on ejaculation after jelqing

Policy on ejaculation after jelqing

I’ve read in some other sources that you shouldn’t ejaculate any time recent before or after jelqing. Do any of you veteran gainers have any policies on this?

After I warm up, stretch, then jelq for about 15-20 minutes, I then let my penis get flaccid and then I masturbate up to the point just before ejaculation. So I am completely hard and full of blood (to expand the recently stretched CCs) and just about to blow. Then I let it get back down to about 1/2 erect, and bring it back to the point of ejaculation and stop again. I do this one more time.

The problem is, by the third time, I am ready to let ‘er blow. Do you think this is detrimental to my progress, or is it okay to ejaculate recently after jelqing without harming gain potential?

Won’t reduce your gains. Go for it when you want.



Respectfully disagree- blow loads on your off days or a fair distance from your workout. When you ejaculate, your body is losing one of it’s most vital, precious, and complex substances. The instant you ejaculate, a measure of your vital force is immediately appropriated towards the cause for replacing that lost ejaculate. This is energy that would be better spent doing immediate repair on your post-workout dick. I’ve done both and I’ve seen an obvious difference in the heaviness, recovery period, and etc. when I make sure to come 8 hours or so away from my workouts.

No problems for me, agreed it will be harder to jelq after cumming but haven’t stopped my gains. My thoughts on this is that when erect everything inside the penis is contracted so after your stretch this could make those micro tears join back to its original state,NOT GOOD, my belief is that as long as you stretch it for 5 minutes afterwards then ADS, no harm done.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by wantsmore
Respectfully disagree- blow loads on your off days or a fair distance from your workout. When you ejaculate, your body is losing one of it’s most vital, precious, and complex substances. The instant you ejaculate, a measure of your vital force is immediately appropriated towards the cause for replacing that lost ejaculate. This is energy that would be better spent doing immediate repair on your post-workout dick. I’ve done both and I’ve seen an obvious difference in the heaviness, recovery period, and etc. when I make sure to come 8 hours or so away from my workouts.

The contraction you may see is temporary. Has to do with the effect of prolactin during the refractory period. If you have got most of your PE workout done before you go on to ejaculate, usually you will see a post-workout expansion setting in again at the end of your refractory period.

I agree partially with you. After ejaculating, we all tend to shrink some. Some believe that holding as much engorgement after PE is desireable. But, for me and apparently for others here, even when we did go ahead and get off, nothing negative happened. You do bounce back, if you have had a sufficiently good workout before. Ejaculate early in your workout time and that’s it for some period of time.



Seeing that I ejaculated before finishing my routine today (as opposed to after) I’ll give you my input.

It didn’t really affect me, except my motivation level to want to jelq at the time. I took a 3 hour, 30 minute nap afterward and finished my routine. I don’t think it affected me too much, but I don’t recommend doing that, simply because it’s much harder to finish after ejaculation. Unless you can get hard again in 5 minutes…

I know how you feel though. It’s difficult for me to finish jelqing sometimes, because I have to hold back ejaculation so much.

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