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Pumping question

Pumping question


I recently bought a device, a pump actually that allows me to hang weights. At first, I thought it was pretty good idea to pump my cock then hang weights on it. Now I am beginning to question the wisdom of this. Is there a problem with hanging weights while fully erect?

Thanks in advance

I had seen a device somewhere on the internet and I keep thinking “how the hell do you keep the suction up with a constant drag on the end of the cylinder?”

I think some might consider the weights on the end of the cylinder akin to jelqing the tube creating strain on the ligs. I dont know for sure.

Are you able to keep the suction in the tube while hanging weights?

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I am able to hang maybe 5 pounds.. I think I need to increase the pressure but since Im a noob, Im going to condition my dick first before I try anything like that. I was hoping others have had some experience with this..

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