Thunder's Place

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You can make one out of an aquarium vacuum and a clutch bleeding device. Should cost under 50 bucks. There’s a thread about it.

Last edited by vegeta77 : 07-20-2004 at .


thank you for your reply. I’ve been following your posts with great interest and respect your opinions highly. I even commented to the wife about them (after three weeks of PE’ing she turned from eskeptic to collaborator and -of course- beneficiary).

I already cheked the site and had a doubt although you already warned about tube dimensions and and dick size sensitivity.My dick reaches a 5.3” girth in an average erection but I think that in a real hard one I surpass 5.5”, according to my wife’s measurements.
They suggest 1 3/4” for 5.5”. In your opinion, should I go for 1 3/4” or 2” (the next tube size)?

Do you agree with my decision to start conservative pumping to gain girth and avoid “baseball bat effect”?

Thank again looking forward for your reply and reading some more of the educated material you post.

At 5.5 girth, you will instantly pack the 1.75 inch tube. Go for the 2.0 inch tube.

Thanks gprent,

I’ve read some of your posts and have many more in my study list.
The one about squating streches cough my attention. I’m a squat buff in my regular workouts (other tha PE’ing). Have always believed that squating is an excellent exercise not only for legs, back an other muscle groups but also for sexual health, in the way PC’s benefit it, too. So, combining squats with PE’s makes lots of sense and will feel a natural for me.

Take care.

I followed Vegeta’s advice and am building my new pump. It is a variation of the Proquatics™ gravel cleaner and the Mighty Vac brake bleeder (will post the setup when ready and tested).

According to Gprent suggestion, I bought the 2” tube and he was absolutely right: During testing I packed
1/3 of the dick’s length at the base of the tube. Excellent advice, Gprent!

I want to thank you both for your advice and also Avocet for his Pumping 101 and other posts. Also have other 2 questions: 1) How the dick’s pumped length compares to the BPEL, same size, shorter or longer?
2) when do I start to count pump time, from the time I start pumping or when maximum pumped erection is achieved?
Thank you again guys,

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