Question About Deconditioning Breaks
I know there are many experienced members in this forum. My question is of those members that has had good gains of 2 inches or more in length over the years.
1. Is there an average amount of time between deconditioning breaks you would do PE and how about length of deconditioning breaks?
2. Are there any good signs I should look for that show I am ready to start up my program again? I don’t seem to get the flaccid hang everyone speaks of and I’m experiencing a shorter stretch now .
3. I have also read that masturbation after PE is not good because it causes shrinkage. Is this true?
I’ve read a lot on deconditioning in these forums but I can’t seem to find a concise plan. Advice from some of the professionals here would be very welcome. Thank you
07/18/17 Starting BPEL 6.5 inches
EG midshaft 5.685 inches
Goal 7x6