Originally Posted by Zor0
I finally have time again and am getting back into PE. Through lurking the forums, I’ve been reading a lot about how important heat truly is. The last time I was doing PE, I just used really hot water and a rag for the heating portion. I want to get the most I can out of PEing and don’t want to do it again till I’m 100% sure I’m doing it right. What method do you use to heat up? Is one better than the other?
I use an IR lamp meant for reptiles. However, I don’t always use heat.
Just a little advice. Feel free to ignore it. Very rarely in life will anything be 100% right. I would be very surprised if any of the success stories in any field whether business, athletics, PE, medicine, ever happened when things are 100% right.
I am a person that fights my own tendencies to procrastinate. I have found that I have the tendency to wait for all the stars to align, which almost will never happen. I now believe it is better to do something every day than nothing at all. Within time you can make things more effective and productive as you adapt and learn.
If you get the chance, read up on the Jerry Seinfeld method, to get an idea of what I am talking about.
Just my two bits.