Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about my routine.

Question about my routine.


I am new to the site and I have been doing some of the exercises for about a weak now. This is my first post and I wanted to get a good foundation in the program before I posted. I have a couple questions. My first question is on girth. My erect length is 7 inches so I am not too worried about improving my length as much as I am my girth. My erect girth is 4.5 inches. I was wondering if my routine is set up correctly to attack my problem.

Here is my routine: 5 min hot wrap

50 jelq squeezes

10 repetitions of Sadsak slinky in all 4 directions

50 jelq squeezes

10 repetitions of Sadsak slinky in all 4 directions

10 min manual stretching

5min hot wrap

50 kegels (holding for 5 seconds each)

I know it’s not going to fix my problem overnight but I just wanted to make sure that I am attacking my problem effectively. Also, I read that it is better to start out improving length and not girth. If this is true then my other question is why? Thanks for all your help.


Hey Pushup,

If you are just starting PE, then that routine is way too much for you right now. You are over training and won’t see results. Read through the Newbie Thread (linked in my signature). In that thread you will see a link to the Newbie Routine. Stick to that for a couple of months, then you can start adding more advanced exercises. I know it is exciting and we want to get to it as quick as possible, but in PE slower is better at the beginning. You need to get conditioned first or else you can really hurt yourself. Stay patient. Stay dedicated. You’ll do fine.

Oh and Welcome to Thunder’s


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