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Question about my routine.


Question about my routine.

Ok, I’m using the CCHO3 hanger.. And hanging like 1 hour a day, using 20 min sets and 6lb of weight, and hanging SD. I’m wondering if this is enough, or should I do one of those golf weight things.. Or all day hanging things.

Also, for wrap I have been using cotton fabric.. But should I put therabrand over that? I don’t have any of that yet, some people said you can find it at a physical therapy place, so I’m going to look around. But do you absolutely need to use that? And are there risks besides feeling a little uncomfortable then if you used that.

It’s CCH3.

If you’ve hit a plateu, you may want to use a BTC ADS or increase the hanging weight if you’re not hitting fatigue.

Any type of wrap that will do the job is enough. I’ve never tried theraband ( maybe I will soon ). Maybe it’s better than what I use now.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Ok, I got a few more questions. For the cotton fabric when you wrap, I can use sock material right? And like I said I’m going to keep looking for the theraband. I have another questions, I know when you hang at upward angles, you stretch the tunica. But when you hang at lower angles you stretch the ligaments, now the goal of that is to break them? So they grow back longer or something? I forget the exact process of that. But if they have to heal back longer, I’m supposed to be ADS, or else I won’t get the benefit?

Also sometimes the CCH3 sort of slips once and a while.. Guess thats normal though.

The tunica and ligs don’t really break but they get microtearing. I guess most guys don’t need an ADS to get the gains but maybe some do. It would help you did some kind of manual exercise to supplement the hanging. Like maybe you could do all your hanging early in the day and then some jelquing or pulling later on.

Your wrapping technique and wrapping material used are the most important, I feel, in determining the grippiness of the hanger used.

You may also want to look at Product Update 9 in the CCH3 thread for a more responsive and tighter grip for it.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I recently came across some theraband and used it with my CCH3.
I use very little under-wrap or none at all with the Theraband. I am hanging 10lbs comfortably
and I am also uncut. No slips and no adjusting it grips well. It was a best find for my hanging.
After a hang i would hang three golf weights or wrap with Thera-P wrist band.
I use the green theraband but gray is mostly used.

Good Luck

Dangling 17.5 lb right now green theraband with a baby sock.

Try the baby sock, I’m not kidding about the ease and comfort.

Wrapping as the hanging session progresses

"If you build it, they will come".

If you do the golf weight thing you’ll want to hang all day at a very low weight, say around a pound which would be 2 rings. It will really make your hanging worthwhile because it will solidify your gains. It increases your hang time over all and keeps the healing process in an elongated state which really speeds up your gains. You’ll still continue with your heavy hanging but you won’t need to do them as often. So if you need to skip a hang session it’s no big deal. I’m at work and hanging as I write. I just keep them on (5 rings or 2.5lbs) (I make my own so they are heavier then the store bought one’s)

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Yeah, I see that works good for you. But I have a few questions.

1. How long can you leave the hanger on, 45 min - 1 hour?

2. Where do I get therabrand and baby socks locally?

3. Also I was trying to move up to 9lbs of hanging SD, and after 20 min of hanging, the head portion was slightly blue in color, like the upper half of the head, it was weird. Of course it went away, but I hope that doesn’t happen again, I don’t even think my hanger was on top of my head, pretty sure it was below my head. Any thoughts on that?

As far as a blue head goes, I get that too because when the hanger bunches up the skin, internals, and wrap against the glans, some of the bunch goes over the edge of the glans, leaving just the tip of the glans exposed which eventually turns blue.

The blue is just trapped blood in the area and does go away after about 15 min after the hanging session. You’ll find it gets cold too. This and numbness are what you should closely monitor. You don’t want to feel any numbness or let it be cold too long. That’s why the heavy set should last only 20 min. I’ve gone to 25 min. with 14 lbs. which is my max - SD - with no problems, but normally I get a discomfort increasing in the glans at about the 20 min. mark and that’s when I stop.

If I drop the weight to 10 lbs., I can go 30 min. easily with no problem at all and to be honest - it feels better and safer. I can hang to fatigue without undue stress on the glans and only with slight blue discoloration.

( DAMN!! I’m sitting here at work ready to hang with my 10lb. laptop & case but I can’t because there are others here “just doing some extra work” as if they got nothing fucking better to do. Weekends alone here at work are my major hang days!! I can’t wait til they leave already! Maybe I should just kill them and get rid of the bodies. :D jk )

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 07-17-2004 at .

I’m interested in the golf weights idea.. But where do I find golf weights locally.. And are they like doughnut shaped and stuff?

forget golf weights make a captains wench and do Btc ADS use a rubber band or two attached to a belt. there is a big thread or two on the wench i’ve worn mine for over 6 hours straight. you don’t have to remove the wench to take a piss just disconnect the rubber band and its super stealthy.

6 hours straight wtf? I thought tissue death or w/e occurs after 20-30 min. I forget. How can you have circulation cut off for 6 hours. Also I have a captains wrench. But I heard a lot of ppl get numbness with it

Originally Posted by Supremeone
6 hours straight wtf? I thought tissue death or w/e occurs after 20-30 min. I forget. How can you have circulation cut off for 6 hours. Also I have a captains wrench. But I heard a lot of ppl get numbness with it

He’s talking about using the wench as a BTC ADS, not as a hanger.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Yeah I know.. But doesn’t ADS still cut off circulation a little? Is what I mean.. How can you hang for more than 20 min?

No you don’t cut off circulation. You should be able to piss with it on and pump blood into the head by doing PC flexes.

The trick with numbness is wrapping. I just use a piece of a sock.

Also, I cut my wench in half so it covers less surface area and pulls less skin.

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