Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Routine Question

Routine Question

Hey guys. I’ve had some good gains over the past few months. However, now I don’t have as much time as I used to. Before I did some stretching exercises then jelqs. I also included a warm up and cool down. But, like I said before, time is not on my side. I was thinking about JUST doing about 200-300 jelqs each day. Do you think I can still get gains just by jelqing with a warm up and cool down? Or will this be more like cementing my gains and making sure they wont dissapear before I get back into it full time?

Hi illist,

It’s hard to know how your dick will react to jelqing alone. One thing that’s for sure is that it’s better than no PE at all, even if all you get is cementation of your previously obtained gains.

Another way to look at it is this: if 200-300 jelqs is all you can do because of time constraints, just do it and don’t beat yourself up over not doing more because you can’t even if you wanted to. Know what I’m saying?

Yes I do stevie. Thanks for the input. Your absolutely correct.

If you got the time to do 200-300 jelqs a day, I’d mix it up a little. Throw some stretches in there, won’t take much of your time.

Divide the workout somewhat. Do maybe 200 then instead of doing another hundred, use that time for other exercises.

Just my 2 cents.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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