Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Quick question about the Newbie Routine

Quick question about the Newbie Routine

For the Newbie Routine it says to do it 2 days on, 1 day off but should I be doing it twice per day (morning and evening) or just once?

Just once a day.

Then after 3 months I can try more advanced exercises?

Start (24-06-06): 5.5" NBPEL x 5" EG

Goal: 7" NBPEL x 6" EG

Originally Posted by inch_hunter
Then after 3 months I can try more advanced exercises?


I also have a question about it:

When doing kegels at the end, what % erect should you be?

Originally Posted by bobs3304
I also have a question about it:

When doing kegels at the end, what % erect should you be?

Doesn’t matter, the muscles that you will work with when doing kegels are not in the penis and kegels are not influenced by an erection.

^ So again, what % erection?

Are you saying just do them soft?

Originally Posted by bobs3304
When doing kegels at the end, what % erect should you be?

Originally Posted by Bird2
Doesn’t matter

Originally Posted by bobs3304
Are you saying just do them soft?


Sure, just do them soft. The great thing about kegels is that you can do them when ever and where ever. Lots of guys do them while driving or commuting.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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