Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Same Old Newbie Question

Same Old Newbie Question

Hey Guys,
I know that everyone asks this question and you are probably tired of answering, but I was just wondering if someone could give me an estimate range of possible gains. I am currently around 6 5/8 BPEL and 4 3/8 EG, My total goals are the infamous 8x6, but in the next 6 months I will have time and privacy to do PE religiously. I have tried it before only about 1 month at a time with the newbie routine, and got interrupted with finals, but I did see about 1/8 gain in girth. I am currently 20 and my body has always been pretty quick to heal if this has anything to do with gains. I plan on taking creatine and L-Arginine to help with my new work out plan as well. I have heard that excess creatine may have possible adverse effects on the penis, is there truth to this? Is 7x5 realistic for me to hope for in six months? I know it’s not the numbers or time line that matters, but I am an engineer, and numbers is whats gives me motivation and to strive to do my best. I plan to start with the newbie routine again.

Sorry for rambling and thanks for your support

Creatine will fuck your liver up though..:eek:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Hello Sehnsuch and welcome to Thunders place.

The answer is most likely no. It is not safely possible to gain an inch and a half of penis size length, and 2in in girth in 6 months period of time. I have been actively involved in PE for over two years, and I have done an enormous amount of research on that subject. And I have never ran across a person, not ever DLD, that was able to accomplish these gains.

I hope that I did not discourage you at first. I just wanted to bring you down to earth and to real life before I give you some realistic advice. If you spend 6 months PEing, the most realistic size that you can expect is about 7.0in length X 5.00 girth. That is a healthy gain for a 6 months period starting from a 6.65X4.4 size. You have to take my word for it, and trust me on this, because I have a lot of experience in PE. The hardest part is not the gains but the consistency. You will have to stay at it, despite many setback and disappointment that will come with PE.

My advice to you is, to do your homework and do as much research as you can on Thunders place. Then:
1. Set a realistic short term goal. Set a number that is easy to reach but will take you some time. For example if you are 6.65X4.4, set your short term goal to be 6.8X4.6. Just a little increment so that you work at it.
2. Then start with a newbie routine. Then slowly work your way up.
3. Reflect on your gains, and ask questions.

The “word on the streets” is that most of us, during a consistent PE routine on average gain 1in in length and 0.75 in girth per year.

I hope this helps,
John S.

Originally Posted by JohnSchwab909
The answer is most likely no. It is not safely possible to gain an inch and a half of penis size length, and 2in in girth in 6 months period of time.

Thats not what he asked

Originally Posted by JohnSchwab909
you spend 6 months PEing, the most realistic size that you can expect is about 7.0in length X 5.00 girth.

THAT is what he asked.


Originally Posted by sehnsucht
I am currently around 6 5/8 BPEL and 4 3/8 EG, Is 7x5 realistic for me to hope for in six months?

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Thanks slack..

Drilla9, is there another supplement that you could promote that would have the same or similar effects?

John, My goal for the six month span was actually 7X5, believe it or not, I have been looking around this site for a very long time, but kind of forgot about it, and now that I have time I want to go ahead and try again, possibly to bring my confidence level up. I expect my total goal gains to be accomplished in about 1.5 years, providing I stick with it. Thank you for the last comment, that was basically what I was looking for.

I am a very hard worker, and when I have a goal in mind, I usually do not give up until I get it, so consitancy shouldn’t be too much of a problem for me. I know it sounds like I’m trying to take the easy way out, but I want to revamp my entire life, body, mind and all over this six month span.

Thanks a lot guys

No idea mate, that’s the only thing I know about the subject, so I steer clear..:)

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Hey sehnsucht. We have very similar starting sizes and age (I’m 19) it will be interesting to see how we both progress throughout the while.. I have a very similar goal (7 x 5) and hopefully we both can achieve it and have a party (not really).. But yeah keep us posted on how you do.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Alright lets do it man, we can have a race! Is this the first time you have tried it? I have tried it maybe twice before, once about two years ago and overdid it and hurt some stuff, and once about four months ago, this time I had some positive effects, it will be nice to have the time to do it for a six months span, hopefully gaining that 1/2 inch both ways. Best of luck to you

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