Rate my routine
So I completed JP90 a few weeks back. I gained 0.5 inches in the first month but after that, nothing. No girth either. Considering the fact that my main goal is length, I made this stretching routine that I’ve been doing for the past week. I would appreciate any feedback.
Warm up - 10 minutes
Stretch left - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the left
Stretch left - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the right
Stretch right - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the left
Stretch right - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the right
Stretch down - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the left
Stretch down - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the right
Stretch straight up - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the left
Stretch straight up - 1 minute
Circle stretch - 10 to the right
JAI stretch - 15 reps x 3 (15 second rest between sets)
Internal stretch - 30 seconds x 3 (15 second rest between sets)
Inverted V stretch- 30 seconds x 3 (15 second rest between sets)
V Stretch - 30 seconds x 3 (15 second rest between sets)
Bundled stretch left - 30 seconds
Bundled stretch right - 30 seconds
Bundled stretch down - 30 seconds
Bundled stretch up - 30 seconds
I am also thinking of adding 15 minutes of jelqing afterwards.