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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Realistic gains


Realistic gains

I know there have been similar topics and I have read them however I don’t quite understand a thing.

The number 2 inches often appears. I don’t quite understand if this is an increment that would be borderline for most normal people? Or is this the maximum increment dreamed up for most?

Of course, everyone is different, and unless you test it on yourself, no one can answer the question of what increments are possible for a person.

I am a newbie myself. I have been training since November 25.
I start with 17cm (6.69 inches) from the top without pressing and 14cm (5.5 inches) of girth. I have set myself a long-term goal of 3-4cm (1.25-1.65 inches) Of which I would like to gain the first 2cm (0.8 inches) in a year, thanks to the newbie gains I read about here.
Before reading the forum, my goals seemed too ambitious. Especially as much as 2cm in the first year seemed unrealistic to me. Now I don’t know if they are realistic myself by reading various threads on the forum.

Is the oft-talked-about 2 inches of growth some kind of limit to the possibilities of most? Or a dream of the majority that is achieved by a few?
Are my goals of around 1.25-1.65 inches realistic? And the first 0.8 inches in a year as well?

Here’s some information on terminology and recommended procedure.

How to Measure Your Penis

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Hi Danny,
Great question, I can answer briefly based on my experience on Thunders Place.

I come from the Italian section, and so far, the 2-inch gain has only been achieved by one user, known as Hope. Other users, on the other hand, have achieved gains ranging from 2 to 4 centimeters, but after years of training. The 2 inches is definitely a possible goal, and it’s likely that it will be surpassed in the future, but for now, it requires a combination of favorable genetics, years of consistent effort, and increasingly sophisticated routines.

The "plateau" phase is an obstacle that everyone will encounter eventually, and there’s no way to avoid it. For this reason, in conclusion, few people reach the 2-inch mark: 1 many give up earlier and settle for the results they’ve achieved, 2 others can’t break through the plateau phase, and 3 those who are still working towards significant gains are still busy with their routines.

[NEW START 2025] NBPEL need to evaluate (x") • MSEG need to evaluate (y")


Another problem is the difficulty in getting precise and consistent measurements to know what you have gained.

I began using a pump 21 months ago. I also added an extender. I probably gained about 3/4 inch in length. I also gained some girth, but I can’t measure girth precisely at all.

Also, I had already gained quite a bit of length and girth using only jelqing and manual stretching over several years prior to beginning the pump and extender routine.

Overall I may have gained 1-1/2 inches in length and probably that much in girth too. It has been at least 5 years of working on it. (I was very small when I started, so I am only average-sized now. I guess that is good though.)

I started 8/2018. So far I’ve gained.625” in bpel and .5” in Meg.

It’s a long process. I need to take more decon breaks.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I started 8/2018. So far I’ve gained.625” in bpel and .5” in Meg.
It’s a long process. I need to take more decon breaks.

What was your routine?

START 10.2024 ==== 5.9 BPEL x 4.33 MEG (15 cm x 11 cm) ====

My PE journey

Originally Posted by pecanpie

Overall I may have gained 1-1/2 inches in length and probably that much in girth too. It has been at least 5 years of working on it. (I was very small when I started, so I am only average-sized now. I guess that is good though.)

After thinking more, I suspect that even this slow progress is overestimated. I probably spent 10 years rather than 5 years, and the girth gain is probably a lot less than 1-1/2 inches. I haven’t been able to measure girth accurately, because it is so tricky to do. All I know is that I had problems with condoms falling off due to narrow girth, and that problem has disappeared. Maybe that was only 1/2 inch gain in girth rather than the 1-1/2 I guessed above.

It definitely has been slow progress.


The mean gain is 0.64” BPEL so a lot of people do much better than that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I’ve gained 2 inches in length and .75 in girth in 2.5 years using an extender based routine and water pumping. It is definitely possible. I think the real question is, "how bad to you want it?"

Originally Posted by memento

The mean gain is 0.64" BPEL so a lot of people do much better than that.

What surprised me about the statistics is that the length gains were roughly twice the girth gains. Many of the posts I have read in the past have said that girth is easier to gain than length. The common wisdom seemed to be that a person should work on length first, because girth inhibits length gains and girth comes more easily. The statistics seem to indicate the opposite.

Keep in mind that volumetrically girth is much more impactful for total volume, so a small gain in girth actually makes a relatively larger gain in total penis size based on volume.

Anecdotally most guys struggle to gain permanent girth. Lot’s of theories as to why, but I think that is the general consensus. But for pretty much everyone, actual, lasting, meaningful increases in length and girth take a long time after the initial newbie gains are over.

I don’t think we can extrapolate that working girth before length helps with length gains, if that is what you are suggesting in the last sentence of your post. But I also have never been one to subscribe to the length first argument. I’ve always worked both and have had reasonable success. I guess I don’t have the counterfactual to prove or disprove, so, like a lot of PE, we kind of have to wing it based on what seems to work for ourselves and hope that we aren’t wasting too much time or effort compared to other approaches.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Keep in mind that volumetrically girth is much more impactful for total volume, so a small gain in girth actually makes a relatively larger gain in total penis size based on volume.

Anecdotally most guys struggle to gain permanent girth. Lot’s of theories as to why, but I think that is the general consensus. But for pretty much everyone, actual, lasting, meaningful increases in length and girth take a long time after the initial newbie gains are over.

I don’t think we can extrapolate that working girth before length helps with length gains, if that is what you are suggesting in the last sentence of your post. But I also have never been one to subscribe to the length first argument. I’ve always worked both and have had reasonable success. I guess I don’t have the counterfactual to prove or disprove, so, like a lot of PE, we kind of have to wing it based on what seems to work for ourselves and hope that we aren’t wasting too much time or effort compared to other approaches.

I guess one difference is that an increase in length can be achieved by growth along the entire length of the penis including the portion inside the abdomen and the connecting tendons, etc. On the other hand, an increase in girth must be achieved by growth around the circumference.

So while growth in circumference is squared to get its effect on volume, there are fewer cells around the circumference to achieve that growth? Of course in the long run the squaring benefit will overcome the greater difficulty in growth, but maybe in the short run length happens more than girth?

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth

I started 8/2018. So far I’ve gained.625” in bpel and .5” in Meg.

It’s a long process. I need to take more decon breaks.

I would attribute my length gains to manual stretching. Girth would mostly be clamping.

One thing I have learned, is getting some of the internal penis to come out (from stretching) gives not only length, but also base EG.

I’ve gained .75” in BEG since 8/2018. Which I am very happy with.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

I’ve gained 1.6” length BPEL and 1.6” base girth BEG and 0.6” mid shaft girth MSEG. My first attempt at PE was over 10 years ago and I gained 0.75” BPELand some girth gains over a few years (mostly hanging).

I returned to PE a year ago with a different approach and philosophy …

I’ve gained 0.86” in the last year in BPEL and made the rest of my girth gains during this time. Aside from jelqs, and water pumping I have never worked much on my girth. I have come to the realization that working on length for me (and probably most others) tends to yield significant girth gains.

The last year I had a lot more success than my first time around. The difference is I’ve made a decision I am sticking with this, and I an goring to be extremely patient and consistent, but also use an approach that I can sustain for years without too much effort.

i.e. My philosophy is minimum time & effort invested with minimum force for maximum PE gains. Based on research and experimentation I discovered vac ADS requires little effort (and I can work while doing it) and 10 minutes water pumping doesn’t take much time. Both yielded significant gains too.

However, I still haven’t reached my goal of 8 x 6. It’s taken years and I am most of the way there, That’s a goal of 2” in BPEL gains and 1.15” in mid shaft gains (I already reached 6.5” BEG).

My observation is very few obtain 1.5” or more in length gains and the 2” and beyond group is even smaller and more rare, but it’s definitely possible.

Like others said if you really want it, you will find a way.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Thank you for your responses to the topic.

It’s encouraging, it seems that my goals I’ve set for myself, I.e. Plus 1.25-1.66 inches in length (and the minimum plan is 0.81 inches I.e. Advancement from 6.69 to 7.50) and some girth, seem quite realistic and possible putting in the work and systematic. Still, if I managed to gain a good % of it at the beginning like many newcomers it would be great.

I’ve been training for a month now. I don’t check the dimensions, there’s no point, it’s too short. I didn’t have erection problems before, but now they are much more frequent. I used to be able to X times, now I can many times more. Even if the gains will be less than I assumed above it’s probably worth training even for this effect.

Interestingly enough, even my girlfriend, who doesn’t know I exercise, noticed it recently. Her former partner had an 8.7 inch thick penis. I thought she didn’t quite feel my 6.69 inch penis, but recently she felt that it was harder than it used to be. So the exercises are having an effect in my case. Although I didn’t have erection problems before.

I still noticed, after a month, that this dimple above the penis has deepened during erections. I haven’t gained or lost weight for this month, and I don’t know if this is a positive or negative symptom of the workouts.

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