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Reverse Kegels to relax stretch BC Muscle


Reverse Kegels to relax stretch BC Muscle

Hey! I think my BC muscle is extremely tight due to an excessive amount of regular kegels which has also given me Premature ejaculation and causes my BC muscle to randomly throb. I’ve heard that what causes an orgasm is pressure on the prostate from the BC/PC muscle, so an extremely tight one would cause an orgasm even quicker.

Would reverse kegeling over a period of time help to loosen and stretch out my BC muscle so that I can go back to how I was before I started kegeling?


No, getting back to the original situation will only make things worse. There is no correlation between premature ejaculation and kegels. Kegels are the opposite, they will help you be able to fuck longer. Aside from that, you will get less hard and lose a little size when you stop doing kegels.

If you want to get rid of premature ejaculation, consider becoming multi orgasmic.

Originally Posted by headshrinker
Hey! I think my BC muscle is extremely tight due to an excessive amount of regular kegels which has also given me Premature ejaculation and causes my BC muscle to randomly throb. I’ve heard that what causes an orgasm is pressure on the prostate from the BC/PC muscle, so an extremely tight one would cause an orgasm even quicker.

Would reverse kegeling over a period of time help to loosen and stretch out my BC muscle so that I can go back to how I was before I started kegeling?


Orgasm is caused by a complex series of chemical and neurological signals that cause contractions in various parts of male pelvis (of course women have orgasms, sometimes, but we’re not talking about them now) including the prostate, bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, vas deferens, etc. It is not due to pressure on the prostate from a muscle. (See: Ejaculation Process)

Premature ejaculation, as Bird2 said, is usually reduced by doing Dr. Kegel’s exercise.

The “reverse Kegel” is poorly named since it means simply relaxing the pelvic muscles. While a Kegel actively strengthens the BC muscle, a reverse one does nothing to the muscle. It just means you don’t contract it. You relax. Relaxing does not take away anything from a built-up or strength trained muscle. Stopping additional training might let it return to its previous state, but simply relaxing won’t do anything.

Originally Posted by westla90069

Premature ejaculation, as Bird2 said, is usually reduced by doing Dr. Kegel’s exercise.

Ok, friendly Debate!

I understand what you Guy’s are saying,
But just a simple Question:

If you say Kegel’s can actually Reduce Premature Ejaculation, ( and I acknowledge it has helped many)
Than Why are their Also so many cases of people who Say they begin or further suffer worse form Premature Ejaculation after using Kegel’s?
I have noticed in the past they make me cum much Quicker as well.(maybe I am doing something wrong?)
I am not very Intelligent into what actual process goes on to make one cum, but I do know that from my own Experience and after hearing many others, It can Cause Premature Ejaculation, Or make it worse.
I just Wonder though , Why some benefit from Kegel’s in the sense that they can last longer , And for some, It’s the complete Opposite, I wish I knew the Answer to that, If you Guy’s know it please , Let me know.

Because of this , I am weary about starting my routines with Kegel’s, If they are greatly needed for PE , Than I obviously don’t want to bypass this, But I don’t want it to make Premature Ejaculation stay or become worse.
No women Is going to want to fuck a big dick if it can’t last more than 1 min.

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The reason Kegels help with premature ejaculation is that the individual learns to control the muscle. And control is what is important with that disorder. If you feel doing them is not for you, then don’t do them. Kegel’s exercise is not required for PE. They’re just a little extra that can help with erection/ejaculation strength.

Hey westle”
I have read many of your post, and can see the amount of knowledge you have, so maybe you can help me get closer to some viable insight into my PE questions & interest, By the way , I am one that tries to absorb as much about something as I can, This is bad for guy’s like yourself, because I am always poking, and prodding trying to squeeze out any information and/or truth to something, but my ways of questioning and friendly understanding Debating will be very useful for, I know the Newbies, but I am even hoping it can help the vets understand more, by me being persistent about knowing why & how?
So let’s begin

Originally Posted by westla90069
1.)The reason Kegels help with premature ejaculation is that the individual learns to control the muscle.

1.)I understand how these help the some with premature Ejaculation, by what you mentioned above of coarse.

Now what I am looking for here , is if you personally know or have a theory has to why this triggers/worsens Premature ejaculation in some others?
I know you have read post about people who have mentioned this.I happen to be one of them.
Is it because we are doing them wrong?

Originally Posted by westla90069
2.)If you feel doing them is not for you, then don’t do them.

2.)Yea , this would be an easy solution, but I also don’t have the best erections, and from my current understanding, kegels is best for strengthening erections.
So you see, the reason I am so Gung-ho on this is because I want to find out how I can get the erection benefits with Kegels , without it causing or adding to my pre-mature ejaculation.


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Kegels normally only cause pre-mature ejaculation when done while having sex. Ive never heard of someone saying that they did some kegels then had sex the next morning and pre-maturely ejaculated.

So if you are doing them during sex stop. If your not then I cant help you cause like I said Ive never read about anyone saying kegels worsened their pre-mature ejaculation problem only that they have helped.

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Originally Posted by headshrinker
Hey! I think my BC muscle is extremely tight due to an excessive amount of regular kegels which has also given me Premature ejaculation .

Originally Posted by Big Z
I said I’ve never read about anyone saying kegels worsened their pre-mature ejaculation problem only that they have helped.

Well look at this.

Originally Posted by Tokstollen
This is what I have figured out. Kegels has a different effect on us. Some can last longer because of them, and for some, like me, they makes us come faster.

Originally Posted by Formula1
I’ll last about 30 seconds to about a minute depending on how fast we go. It seems to have gotten worse since I started the kegels.

Just look at this Poll.

Originally Posted by headshrinker
Kegels normally only cause pre-mature ejaculation when done while having sex.

Now I have heard this yes, and the complete opposite, that you should use them when you are about to blow, to of coarse , stop you from wanting to blow.
There is just so many contradicting cases on these Kegels.

But I will tell you, I really want to be one of the guy’s that benefit in every way from Kegels, I am not saying they are shit, I want someone to help me make them work for me properly.
I know from doing a little research that bird2 and kaan are good with kegels and all it’s benefits.
I am about to start my newbie routine, and fully see how these could be very important, I just don’t want to worsen my premature ejaculation.
I want to eliminate it, Like you all say kegels can do.
Thanks guy’s .

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Hey Biggy,
no need to think a lot, it’s easy:

Ejaculation happens when the BC muscle becomes tired that it can’t hold the load any more.
The reason to do kegels is to develop that muscle , make it stronger, so that it can last longer.

I used to suffer from premature E. , but not any more.

Whatever your approach or technique will be (kegels, edging, some other techniques, etc..) , they will result with a stronger BC muscle. You NEED it.

I think the guys who say kegels make them blow quicker are either doing kegels during sex (DON’T. you want to be as relaxed as possible), or they are not doing kegels persistent enaugh to get results.

It took me about 3 months to see the good results, and another 3 to raise it to nearly perfection: I can do 300 x 5 sec sets now. And I’m so comfortable in bed, I don’t have the slightest worry about ejaculating. ( and I don’t ejaculate, too).

So stick with the technique you like (kegels, edging, some other techniques..) and develop your BC. You will get the results.
Good Luck!

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan

Ejaculation happens when the BC muscle becomes tired that it can’t hold the load any more.

I’m sorry kann, that’s not correct. Re-read avocet8’s article on ejaculation: Ejaculation Process. The role that the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle plays is in the ejection of semen from the urethra. Contractions of the BC, along with contractions of the prostate and other parts of the system, force the semen from the penis in spurts. A stronger BC, build up by Kegels, helps both in the force of the ejaculation and in the rigidity of the penis, especially the glans. Review my article on the BC: Locating the bc muscle.

Originally Posted by Biggy_wang

I understand how these [kegels] help the some with premature Ejaculation, by what you mentioned above of coarse. Now what I am looking for here, is if you personally know or have a theory has to why this triggers/worsens Premature ejaculation in some others? I know you have read post about people who have mentioned this. I happen to be one of them. Is it because we are doing them wrong?

I have always believed that the best source of information about the human body is from people who have studied it and treat its diseases. Stories told by regular guys, no matter how well intentioned, don’t always tell the complete picture or make the correct suggestions regarding a situation like premature ejaculation. In that light, I’d like to suggest this article from It gives the full picture of this disorder, including treatment. Note that many feel is it a psychological problem, not a physical one, and that involving the sexual partner in the treatment is recommended.

http://www.emed … ed/topic643.htm

I’ve never suffered from premature ejaculation, so I don’t exactly know what’s going on in ones mind when it happens. Often, I would think, the guy is worried he’ll shoot to soon and sure enough he does. Or he may have some other performance anxiety issue that makes his body want to cum and be done with it. I do think some guys have sensitivity issues. That is, their penis, mainly the glans (head), is too sensitive. But that can be controlled with the use of a condom or a de-sensitizing gel. You’ll have to examine yourself to determine how much of your problem is physical and how much is mental.

Dr. Kegel’s exercise will strengthen the BC muscle. Learning how to control the BC can help you control your ejaculation. I don’t think doing kegels helps or hurts premature ejaculation because the BC is not involved in the sensitivity issue directly. Others have said contracting the BC during sex makes you cum sooner and I agree. Contracting this muscle makes the glans (head) enlarge. That makes it more vulnerable to friction and stimulation. More friction and stimulation could make you ejaculate sooner than you want to. So you can eliminate some of the problem by not doing kegels during sex.

Reducing the amount of masturbation may also help. Your penis gets used to being stimulated in a specific way and that can lead to problems when you have a partner. Perhaps the friction during sex is different enough to stimulate you to orgasm faster than you do when you jerk off. Rather than let manual stimulation be the main way you achieve orgasm, even out the stimulation with equal time sex or masturbation or even more intercourse than masturbation and perhaps the stimulation patterns will help reduce the urge to blow too soon.

Yea , this would be an easy solution, but I also don’t have the best erections, and from my current understanding, kegels is best for strengthening erections. So you see, the reason I am so Gung-ho on this is because I want to find out how I can get the erection benefits with Kegels, without it causing or adding to my pre-mature ejaculation.

Just doing kegels with your PE routine should not cause any pre-existing premature ejaculation to worsen. Doing the exercises can help with erection strength, but as I said they are not required for PE success.

I think if you train the BC muscle too much, it can automatically kick in during sex as a sort of reflex that makes you ejaculate easier. For this reason it is good to train yourself to relax and reverse kegel in addition to kegelling the BC muscle. This way you should avoid problems during sex.

This is just my 50 cents mind you.

Originally Posted by westla90069
A stronger BC, build up by Kegels, helps both in the force of the ejaculation and in the rigidity of the penis, especially the glans.
I have always believed that the best source of information about the human body is from people who have studied it and treat its diseases. Stories told by regular guys, no matter how well intentioned, don’t always tell the complete picture or make the correct suggestions regarding a situation like premature ejaculation. In that light, I’d like to suggest this article from It gives the full picture of this disorder, including treatment. Note that many feel is it a psychological problem, not a physical one, and that involving the sexual partner in the treatment is recommended.

I’m not a doctor westla: and I’m not interested in details of the “ejaculation process”.
My interest is practical, and I want(ed) results: a cure for premature ejaculation.

I succeeded.

What I’ve done is: start kegels with 50 reps , and gradually increase it to 300 reps (5 seconds each)
And I’ve done edging, too.

I had no partner then, and my “method” is simple as that.
I’m not sure this method solves all premature E. cases in general, it sure solved mine. And I’m sure of something: A weak BC musce will most probably yield to premature E.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Thanks Guy’s for all your wonderful input,
I do thing think my problem is psychological and physical,

Psychological -I have had on/off premature ejaculation before I used SSRI’s(4 years ago).
When I started using them , pre ejaculation was no more!It completely solved that.
Now back in April,2006 I stopped my SSRI use and my Pre ejaculation came back 10 fold easily.
( I have tried to stop numerous times before and the same thing happened=Bad case of premature ejaculation).
So that tells me it is something psychological .
I just started a Different SSRI with supposedly less SE, We will se if that help with premature ejaculation.

Physical-My penis is really sensitive!I get the in-voluntary urge to blow all the time now.

Kaan” you are a perfect candidate for this question:

1.)Before, when suffered for Premature ejaculation, did you get the in-voluntary URGE to blow frequently?
Like every 1-2 min, especially if intensity was greater(fucking faster and harder)?
2.)Now that you have cured you premature ejaculation through kegels, Do you still get the frequent in-voluntary URGES to blow the same you have always, but now you can control them?
3.)Or now do you notice you do not get those * I have to blow a load every few minutes in-voluntary URGES*anymore ?

I am sure you see where I am going with this, I am trying to see what the noticeable differences are now that you are cured of PE.
In comparison from you being cured by kegels and me by SSRI’s, I will tell you what I felt.

*****When being cured from premature ejaculation on SSRI’s, Here is what happened-I simply did not get those in-voluntary Urges to have to blow
A load, they were completely voluntary, I blew when I wanted, Never had those in-voluntary, Oh shit my penis wants to blow, but I don’t.

So you see my Big question here is, From kegels; did it cut down on those in-voluntary, frequent urges to blow, Or did that stay the same , and you simply learned to manage them better?

*****-I sure your cure was like this.

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*****-I sure hope your cure was like this.*

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My stats> :littleguy My journey> :wave: My pics> :cutlass:


My problem is that kegals have trained my BC muscle to involuntarily contract and I can’t control it.

I didnt have this problem before I started kegals.

I did do rather alot though. If I’d of started off with a little and gradually increased as mentioned above would this of happened?

Could I still do this now to cure myself?


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