Routine Fatigue.
Good evening. I have a question that would probably be better asked in a forum with more advanced users, but having so few posts I am unable to.
My question is, How much time should be put into a routine before you can consider it a failure? I began the routine that I am currently on, a little over 3 weeks ago. In my first two weeks in doing said routine, I had some pretty good PI’s, but over the past week or so, not so much. I’m not doing anything different than when I began doing my routine, other than my diet being a little different.
My BPEL was 8 inches prior to the start of that routine, with an mseg of 5.25. Two weeks into that routine, I measured my BPEL at a little under 8.25 BPEL. The thing is, I’m not looking to gain length, and this routine is supposed to be a girth oriented routine.
This has been pretty much my story throughout my PE career. I never stick with something for more than a month or two, and thus, haven’t made any consistent gains in 10 + years of me PEing. I’ve pretty much made my length gains in spite of my inconsistency.
Should I give consistency a shot, in spite of the fact that I’m gaining length when what I’d like to gain is girth?