Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's 15 Minute Routine


Mem's 15 Minute Routine

Deciding the best way to start penis enlargement can be a hard task in itself. There are some obvious rules of thumb:

  • Don’t use any equipment - pumps, hangers and extenders might be useful later on but they can hamper your initial efforts and your long term goals.
  • Limit the work you do - less is more and you need a route to increase over time, so work smart.
  • Monitor closely - without knowing how much you are gaining it’s very hard to decide if or how to modify your routine.
  • Heat is your friend - tissue loosens and becomes more elastic with heat and injury is less likely.
  • Consistency is key - this only works if you are regular. If you go heavy one week and then leave it the next week, you might as well not bother.
  • Ignore the hype - male insecurity is a big target and there’s lots of money made in this field. The best methods are well known and there are no fast routes.

There are some great ways to start penis enlargement already on this site. The Newbie Routine was designed by a medical professional and the Linear Routine was designed by someone who found even that too intense.

Memous for 15 Minutes

This routine is aimed at those people starting or returning to penis enlargement who are capable of closely monitoring what they are doing and aim to be technical in their approach to PE. It’s specifically not aimed at those who have a tendency towards being gung-ho in their approach.

You will need a shower or bidet that can concentrate water on your penis. So an overhead shower with no adjustment is probably no good. I tried the routine with an IR heat lamp but found that I immediately caused minor injury, you may have better luck.

You will also need some way of timing your session. A smart phone timer or similar. If you can’t see a display set two alarms, one for 5 minutes and one for 15 minutes.

Be very careful with this routine. If you overdo it, you can easily cause injury, but you should also be able to very quickly gauge the correct force. Start slow.

The Routine

Concentrate hot water on your penis for the entire routine. Test with your hand first. Keep the water as hot as is comfortable. You will probably find you can increase the temperature as the routine progresses and your penis gets use to the heat but be careful to not go too hot.

Step 1. 5 minutes mixed stretching

30 seconds JAI stretches
30 seconds rotary stretches
30 seconds downward stretches
Repeat for 5 minutes, massaging the penis quickly between stretches. If the penis and hand are relatively grease free and wet, grip shouldn’t be a problem.

Step 2. 10 minutes of dry jelqing

Alternate between the c-grip going up and the overhand OK going down, kegeling between 2-3 second strokes.
Every 2 1/2 minutes do a very limited plumped bend for 30 seconds, only bend slightly (see below).

At the very end do a few very light strokes just to move the blood around a little and stretch a couple of times.

Initially do this routine 3 times a week.

Try to measure weekly just before you restart the routine after a two day break. Judge results on a monthly basis.

After the routine you should feel bigger, the penis should feel heavier and this should continue into the next day (unless you are firegoat).

As you are in the shower already a good way of finishing off is to just have a full shower but this isn’t essential.

The Detail


With all stretches, you should ease into the stretch not yank quickly. Give the tissue a little time to relax into being stretched. Push blood out of the glans as you attach the grip. All these can be done with an overhand grip, so pushing the blood out is simply a matter of compressing the hand over the glans as you apply the grip.

The JAI stretch is a strange one. When done properly, you will really feel it after just a few stretches but it seems to require little effort.

The JAI stretch is held for just two seconds. You shouldn’t hold the downward stretches for much longer, maybe 3 seconds, before releasing and reapplying. The rotary stretch can be held longer, certainly for a few rotations.

You should feel the quality of each stretch. Sometimes when you pull a stretch it appears to be doing nothing, if that’s the case release immediately and reapply a little slower. Ensure the hot water is hitting the penis and the pubic area.

Try to be dynamic in your stretching. Don’t keep the same intensity for long periods. Move the downward stretches around while hold them to vary the tissue that is taking the strain. The rotary stretches don’t need to be completely open, they can be more like a cone as you trace the shape, so the force is always outward from the body but the there is constant change to the tissue taking the strain.


The jelqing in the routine is done without lube but still with water heating the penis. The dry jelq video shows the overhand and c-grips.

You should visualise the work you are doing on the tissue under the skin. Your fingers should be the cause of a wave in the tissue. Feel that wave rising up the penis. Almost ignore the skin (it is your lubricant) whilst trying to not damage it and not stretch it too much. If you are circumcised, you may need to do half strokes and then change your position on the skin and do the other half.

Kegel between each stroke and maybe hold the kegel into the new stroke, if your erection is flagging.

The grip can be applied pretty hard, so that some upwards force is required to complete the stroke: you are jelqing and you are stretching simultaneously. Ensure that your fingers and hand are placing the stress to the sides and not preventing too much backflow of blood. A symptom of a grip that is too hard is that the pressure ahead of the jelq stroke increases as the stroke continues. The c-grip provides good backflow, generally, but the overhand OK is more prone to trapping more blood than you need. Each stroke should last at least 2 seconds, probably 3.

Plumped (Minimal) Bend

As you pause for a plumped bend, kegel in some blood and make a tourniquet grip. You shouldn’t be at full expansion ahead of your grip, just slightly off (maybe 80% of your full volume) and you shouldn’t feel hard just plumped. Very gingerly bend the penis down but don’t go anywhere near as far as in the video. Go just far enough to feel something happening and no further. If you feel a pinching, it’s probably the skin, release your tourniquet and reapply. Repeat to the left and right, being just as careful. Repeat upwards, you should be able to bend much further but still take care.

After the plumped bend continue jelqing, you should feel a little thicker.


Increase only when your response changes.

If you need to increase, try initially increasing the intensity but keeping the timing the same. You could add a modified sadsak head exercise (from this routine) at the end of the routine or to replace some of the plumped bend occurrences. You can explore the plumped bend, bending it a little more.

Alternatively switch to a day on day off schedule and then a 5-2 (days on/ days off) schedule.

Finally you could increase the jelqing time to 15 minutes and then 20 minutes or find a new routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Last edited by memento : 06-12-2015 at . Reason: Mentioned dynamics of stretching

Damn you’re on fire.

Very well done, memento!

:_pump: :donatecar

Gonna be trying this one out, thanks Memento! Want to get back into PE to get some of the non cemented gains back.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Mem, it’s a good one. Very similar to what I did.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Thanks. Apparently I should have read the text myself.

After two months on this routine, I started to modify it adding squeezes. Within a short time I’d blown a blood vessel. It took several weeks to heal up well and there’s still (a further 2 months later) a darkening to the skin.

While I was doing this routine as written, all was good and it was producing solid gains. I made the typical newbie (and apparently returner) mistake of adding too much too quickly.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

That’s the thing, it’s hard to tell as a veteran when your penis is back in shape. I’ve read in most places the best bet is at least 3 months, I’ll have to try that first before getting back into more intense PE, and even then, gotta go slowly into it. I’ll be starting this new routine tonight now that the new week has started.

Also for discoloration have you tried Firegoat rolls? I got rid of some discoloration pretty quickly with them.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Solid routine. I hope you can resume your plan soon.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by juiice
That’s the thing, it’s hard to tell as a veteran when your penis is back in shape. I’ve read in most places the best bet is at least 3 months, I’ll have to try that first before getting back into more intense PE, and even then, gotta go slowly into it. I’ll be starting this new routine tonight now that the new week has started.

Also for discoloration have you tried Firegoat rolls? I got rid of some discoloration pretty quickly with them.

I would like to quote that firegoat rolls worked for me too.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10

I would like to quote that firegoat rolls worked for me too.

Glad they helped you too.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

It’s good and effective. Simple, but if you didn’t mention it I would have never thought of it.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Any more bursting blood vessels fireworks with this one?

Haha, how long are you in the game now? ;)

Nice routine actually, a new twist on the jelq and stretch routines.

Originally Posted by memento
Thanks. Apparently I should have read the text myself.

After two months on this routine, I started to modify it adding squeezes. Within a short time I’d blown a blood vessel. It took several weeks to heal up well and there’s still (a further 2 months later) a darkening to the skin.

While I was doing this routine as written, all was good and it was producing solid gains. I made the typical newbie (and apparently returner) mistake of adding too much too quickly.

The routine is nice, would try it

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