Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

This is a very advanced penis enlargement routine. It is not designed for those new to PE.
Warning: Do not use this routine unless you want to experience rapid gains.
If you don’t gain 2” from this you’re doing it wrong.

It occurs to me that people will stop reading my threads unless I post the occasional PE related thread to throw them off the scent, hence this thread.

We spend a lot of time talking about hard gainers here and I think that some of that is a physical reality and some of it is down to people not putting the work in effectively, either overworking or underworking and not getting to their potential.

This is a routine I used before anyone talked about LOT and it’s effect and I think it will work effectively for high and low LOTter’s alike because it effectively works the tunica and the septum and puts enough work into the ligs to see gains there too.

It’s a split session routine, with a morning and an evening session and I think this has a lot to do with the effectiveness. I’ve left out the Cobbler’s pose variant I used because the inverted v-stretch was the predominant routine I used and the Cobbler’s pose variant is something I hacked on later.

Here’s the routine:

Morning session
1-2 times daily mon-fri with 4 hours min break between sessions

  • 5-10 min warm wrap (washcloth)
  • 20 min long hold inverted v-stretch
  • 5-10 min warm wrap (washcloth)

Evening session
  • 10 min warm wrap (washcloth)
  • 15-20 min 80-90% jelq with 1-2 30 sec hold Horse 440 squeezes every 5 mins
  • 2-5 min 30 sec hold horse squeezes mixed with sadsak head exercise mod
  • 10 min warm wrap (washcloth)
Doubling up this session once in a while is a useful shock

Here’s the discussion:

Warm Wrap
The warm wrap is one of the most essential parts of the routine in my opinion. If you are thoroughly warmed the tissue stretches more, and there is much less chance of injury. I tried a lot of warm wrap techniques but always went back to the washcloth, it was always the most effective.

I always used two washcloths and heated them in a sink, to allow rotation and kept the water as hot as possible. Part wringing the cloths means a higher possible heat because you are steaming the penis rather than simply applying hot water directly. While the cloth is applied massaging the penis through it is highly beneficial.

Inverted V-Stretch - Long Hold

This stretch is the dogs bollocks* imo.

The way I used it was with the aid of pot of E45 cream eventually after trying some alternate* cylinders. An E45 cream pot is a cylinder approx 2.5” (6cm) in diameter and 2.5” (6cm) long. These dimensions are perfect for placement between the legs whilst sitting.

Pushing the pot close up to the balls, and stretching the penis over it and over the edge of the chair allows a straight arm stretch to be performed with immense power, effectively using the shoulder and the body to power the stretch rather than the arm. With a good grip, it is possible to hold this stretch for long periods and I found 3 minutes worked well, stopping to regain circulation before reapplying.

It’s just as important when doing a stretch like this to relax into the stretch. It’s strange but when you snatch a stretch it seems much less effective, if you gradually turn on the power you can stretch that bit further and really feel it.

This is like hanging heavy weights without using a hanger and this stretch should really impact on the septum.

Jelq with Horse440's mixed in

I think that the jelq is one of the most misunderstood exercises. It took me about 3 months to learn the intricacies of jelqing, exactly how much pressure could be brought to bear, using downward strokes with holds to add a lig stretch and increase the pressure on a flagging erection, using upwards strokes and pulling the penis at the root while the erection is solid, maintaining a good stroke flow so that you retain half the pump from the last stroke…

I don’t see any reason to jelq for more than 15-20 minutes. Jelqing longer is imo putting quantity above quality. If you jelq for 40 minutes, try doing it in 15 but concentrating on what you are doing rather than thinking about what you are doing later in the evening or whether you’ve fed the dog, put out the trash (etc).

Mixing in Horse 440’s does two things. It allows the hands time to recover a bit and it expands the penis that bit more than jelqing, so that when you start your jelq strokes after a horse you are jelqing a penis that is nicely stretched out, that is bigger.

Horse 440's mixed with Sadsak Head exercise mod

This is a really effective way to end a routine, you think you’ve got as much pump as you can and this just pushes it that bit further.

The Sadsak mod I did was a single handed effort.

  1. Create an overhand OK at the base of the penis with the thumb and forefinger on about a 60% erection. This should be an effective tourniquet.
  2. Then add the middle finger above the grip and squeeze it hard
  3. then the ring finger, and
  4. then the pinky in the same way.

This is taking a fixed quantity of blood and squeezing it into a smaller and smaller length of penis. The pump is incredible.

Warm Wrap - Again

Skipping the warm wrap at the end is imo a mistake. What I looked for in a warm wrap at the end of the jelqing session was for the large pump created in the session to go down slightly but almost solidify.

The 5-2 schedule

Having 2 days clear of PE in a week is a great thing. Also it’s a target to work for. I always wanted to need those 2 days badly for recovery. If I hadn’t worked enough in a week to need those days, it would be a failure. It also meant that a good measurement could be taken weekly.

* “The dog’s bollocks” is a British term meaning extremely good, nothing better. As Eddie Izzard puts it:
That’s a word you can use when you get to Britain, “Ah, a bit knackered” you’ll fit right in. And the other one’s, “That’s a load of bollocks, mate! That a load of…” which means bullshit. Bullshit, bollocks - very close in the B area of the dictionary. But er it’s kind of weird ‘cause bollocks, that’s crap, “Oh it’s bollocks! That’s bollocks!” but if it’s the dog’s bollocks, that’s really good. And, and bollocks also means testicles, so if you’re saying something’s the dogs bollocks you’re saying it’s the dog’s testicles - but it is good. It’s really weird, I mean you can go up to the Queen and say “That outfit, your Queen, it’s the dogs bollocks.” And she’ll say, “Well, thank you very much for saying so. I thought it did look a bit like the dog’s bollocks.” “Well it does look, and it is the dog’s bollocks.” And she’ll be happy as Larry, however happy he is.

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Great clear explanation Memento. The presentation is easy to understand and a newbie can learn a lot from this and PE vets as we call them can learn some good information as well to approaching PE for quick gains. I plan to someday maybe write a little thread or article similer to this if my gains keep coming as fast as they have with what I do, so people be on the watch in the future. :)

The only question I have for you now Memento on this thread is, on average how fast and how much gains did you make with this daily routine on yours? What is your expierence with this or is it just something you thought up? Cheers.

First post re-posted so I could get out more of my thoughts that I thought were important to helping others with quick gains etc since I have made pretty fast length gains so far. Maybe the edit button should be allowed more time to re-edit posts? Something like 30 mins Thunder?

Great clear explanation Memento. The presentation is easy to understand and a newbie can learn a lot from this and PE vets as we call them can learn some good information as well to approaching PE for quick gains. I plan to someday maybe write a little thread or article similer to this if my gains keep coming as fast as they have with what I do, so people be on the watch in the future. :)

I’ve been doing a good amount of Inverted V-Stretchs, V-Stretchs, A-Stretchs, Bundle Stretchs Dual Fulcrum Stretchs DLD Blasters, etc mixing it up in my PE day by day for Manual Stretching. I notice these two-handed type stretchs work the tunica the best and can work the ligs if done right at certain angles for fatigue/soreness, but I recently just rebuilt my original hanger adapted from Piet’s original design of his hanger and man it makes such a difference!

Now I feel I know what hanging should really feel like. The tight grip of the hanger making a pefect hard grip on the sides of the shaft grasping the internals and allowing no slide to occur on the shaft with the hanger as far as I’ve tested in the OTS position and SD. The soreness I get from Manual Stretching hardcore for tunica work is not compareable to the soreness of hanging with this new optimized hanger I’ve made. I have to brag a little because this thing kicks ass so far and I’ll have to wait and see what the results are but I bet they will be good and fast for me as well.

I think with hanging for quick gains the thing you want to do is long periods of either low weight hanging/stretching for traction like a ADS, I guess that’s a ADH. I am still thinking, testing, and expiermenting with the short period high weight hanging/traction though with the new hanger and ADS I rigged together with the only spare crap I had around the house and it’s so far looking good for short duration high weight hanging/stretching for constant tension on the shaft and ligs. I just have to find and feel what the optimal rest period for me would be now based on how much work I put into the hanging/ADS every day (I probaly throw in some warmup manual stretching as well before hanging)…

Other your article and my expierences above, The only questions I have for you now Memento on this thread is, on average how fast and how much gains did you make with this daily routine on yours? What is your expierence with this or is it just something you thought up? Cheers.


I’ve never done bundle stretches though I remember reading 7 Up’s original description. To me they are a little uncontrolled in a way that v-stretch variants aren’t. I’m quite willing to rip away at tissue but I want to be able to ensure that I know exactly what stress I’m putting where. Blasters were a nothing routine for me, possibly because I already knew how to relax my BC muscle and I knew how to stretch effectively without a step by step.

For me manual stretches worked much better than hanging. I tried out hanging mainly after PE experience and gains and despite reasonably heavy weights could never get the worked out feeling I got from the manual inverted v. I put this down to being able to load a similar if not greater dead weight comfortably over a greater length of the penis and being able to fine tune it for the maximum effectiveness, increasing and decreasing the stress. But the only two hangers I have experience with are an AFB and a Bib.

A lot of it is down to an effective grip and maybe playing guitar helps my strength on that front.

I’d credit this routine with the majority of my gains. I started early on with BTC plus the jelqing portion and added the inverted v-stretch if memory serves but the BTC worried me on the erection angle front (probably for no reason) so I switched to the upper angles and this v-stretch.

My stats are pretty confusing in the PE database, I’m not sure the starting measurement of 5.75” is 100% accurate and I added measurements even when I wasn’t PEing. Assuming the first measurement is near accurate, I finished off at 2mm Under 8” and of that I’d say probably around 2” over a 6-8 month active period (probably 6) is down to this routine and variations of it.

Fwar and I talked this though a while ago during a LOT conversation and I think we both concluded that our gains were mostly tunica based,which I guess puts me in the camp of people who would consider themselves hard gainers (but maybe not the hardest gainers).

Interesting thoughts Memento on how you gained and did PE. :)

I started PE about 7-8 months ago in early to mid febuary I believe and was kinda sketchy on how I measured in the beginning because I was a total newb and how to learn all the ropes about to measure close to perfect. Actually I still am finding better ways even to this day on taking PE measurements :D , but I’ve gained somewhere from 1.5 to 2” of length a little girth (which I hardly measure since I only care about maintaining my 4.8-5.0 EG doing a few Horse Sqeeuzes and some Jelqing here and there every week. I am subscribing to the BIB theory of it is harder to stretch a thicker rubberband then a thinner one for the quickest route to length gains, it is just common sence to me. After you get the length you go into girth mode and start working on the girth and maybe some light manual stretching to maintain what you get in length while you do girth work…

As for Bundle Stretchs I think about the same way you do about them. I have tried bundled A-Stretches and bundled basic manual stretchs and they are pretty intense if you get the right grip, twist the shaft correctly which takes lots of practice, etc but I don’t really know where all the stress/tension is being placed as I do the bundled stretch, which makes me worry if I am setting myself up in some way for extra skin stretch or weakening areas I don’t want to target. Stretching bundled is hard to get down correctly so you can get effective bundled stretchs every time.

I can’t wait to get serious with this new little hanger thought that I’ve created. I’m happy to have a good quality hanger now which is so important IMO to really hanging for tunica/shaft gains. I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. :)

Great gains man. I see that you’ve done very well with long-duration stretching. I’ve also felt that I’ve gotten a better, more precise stretch from manual than from hanging - especially with V’s. I think you can focus more specifically because the hand really is the best/safest gripping mechanism. Of course, the downside is that it can be hell on the hands & fingers, forearms, etc.

Btw, did you stop were you did because you were satisfied, or do you feel that you’d exhausted your gains?

Good question wadzilla and good avatar! :D

>Btw, did you stop were you did because you were satisfied, or do you feel that you’d exhausted your gains?<

I was 2mm from a length goal and 0.5” from a girth goal (8x6) and I simply couldn’t be bothered with PE anymore.

Lots of people talk about reaching a goal and setting another. My experience was, the closer I got to the goal the less important it became until finally it wasn’t important enough to bother.

I hit plenty of stop starts in the period and got through them with the shocks listed above or similar but I always knew exactly how much I was gaining because of frequent measurement, so a slow down could be seen quickly and corrected for.

How important do you weight the “Evening Routine” in gaining this length? Would you say the same length gains are possible with the Morning Routine of proper warm up and down along with a 20 min inverted v-stretch?

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”

This post is the dog’s balls. Thanks mem!

Originally Posted by memento
…the closer I got to the goal the less important it became until finally it wasn’t important enough to bother.

Unfortunately, this has also been my experience throughout PE; specifically, the better my gains became, the less my motivation.

Originally Posted by memento
Warning: Do not use this routine unless you want to experience rapid gains.
If you don’t gain 2” from this you’re doing it wrong.

I’m going to hold you to that… ;)

Originally Posted by memento
Skipping the warm wrap at the end is imo a mistake.

Thank you for this information. I haven’t been doing this & maybe that’s one thing that I’m doing wrong. I was checking out the website that sells “The Grip” system tonight & they recommended a warm wrap at the end of the session as well. I’m not thinking of buying it though, I was just curious since it was mentioned on a PE surgery site & the price seems much too high to me, for what it is. I’m considering TPS’s device, since it’s much more reasonable in price & I believe has more potential. The Grip uses 8 lbs. which isn’t enough for my tough ligs.

I’ve been depressed with my slowing gains lately & also the condition of my left testicle. I’ll explain that in a minute. But anyway, I’ve been checking into PE surgery & even though I’m still very nervous about it, it’s been on my mind lately. But, I would like to get the results that I want using natural PE. Even if the surgery is successful, I’ll have an erection that would probably point down, which I don’t want. It sticks straight out now & I’d like it to stay that way. I’m probably going to have to have surgery on my left testicle though. I have a varicocele that was the result of a bad hernia operation years ago & it has caused my left testicle to atrophy. I’m pretty stubborn about going to the doctor, unless it’s an emergency. I won’t even tell you how long it’s been since my last physical.

But, I broke down & went to the hospital today, because my left testicle has been hurting a little more & has gotten even smaller. Well my doctor is telling me that an orchiectomy( removal :( ) of the left testicle may be needed & the sooner the better. I’m not too happy about this, even though I know that I can have an implant put in & it will probably look better than my left testicle has looked in years. I know this, but this is still a very big blow to me. I checked around the web & Dr. Reed does this for $5,250 & I’m not sure, but I believe that my insurance should cover most of this procedure. He also does the lengthening surgery for $4,500 & if I have to have the orchiectomy & implant done I might just as well go ahead & have both done at the same time.

I know that this is off-topic, but I needed to talk about it to someone. Has anyone here had a testicle removed? If so, how did it go? I’m told that it’s a quick & relatively painless procedure, but they always say that. I’m not sure what to do right now & I’m not the crying type of guy, but I’ve been pretty down tonight. It’s just after 4:00AM here & I’m still wide awake, even though I’ve been up for almost 24 hours. Well, I guess that’s all I have to say, but I want to thank all of you guys here, who have given your valuable time to give guys like me a great library of information, that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. This site is also a great sounding board for when any of us guys are having a problem, even if it’s not about our cock. Thanks again Thunder & everyone else here. :up:

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