Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Hi again

Please ignore my last reply, I have just finished reading the entire 60 pages of the thread, so I got answers even to some questions I didn’t know I have.

But I do have one question, though. My plan is to continue with the Linear Newbie Routine and in 4 months jump into this one. But I would also like to make this one into a "linear" one.
For example, first 5 days of the routine:
Morning: (double-up after 4-5 hours every Monday and Wednesday)
Inverted V (cylinder assisted) - 5 mins (add 1 min each week until gains stop)

5 min jelq (add 1 min each week)
1 horse squeeze after 3 min (gently increase grip pressure and hold time over time, start with 10 sec)
1 horse + sadsak squeeze to end (add one every other week)

I have read a lot lately (well probably to get to know 1-2% of what veterans know, in theory) and what I have understood is that if you get greedy and want big results early, you might get them. But plateau will most likely also come sooner and your results won’t be as cemented. And another important thing, if you go for too much all at once, your body might just say "hey, the little fella’ is in danger, let’s solidify the cells". Tougher cells, tougher expansion, less gains.
I am so eager to get into this routine, but I’ll just have to wait and stick to my plan, that’s why I NEED a good plan.

Do you think this approach would be good for this routine?
I would get to respect the routine to the T in about 4 months, from the time I start, and see where I go from there.

Thank you once again for all the kind and free info.

P.S. I am mostly looking to gain length, my 5" girth will surely develop to a desired 5.5+ as I do length work.

Going into this gradually sounds like a good plan. I’d pay attention to how you feel while doing your routine and afterwards. If you’ve read the thread you’ll know that I did this routine 5 days a week and I really needed that time off. Underwork is a thing and overwork is a thing. That happy medium, where you are growing but not injuring yourself seems to be elusive but I think it’s a fine line and if you are doing it right you’ll step over into minor injury. So it’s worth judging by how you feel and with enough time results. A routine that doesn’t give results - even minor - within a month is probably not worth doing.

I’m not sure I agree with your interpretation of the posts here on the causes for plateaus or even that you need a period to solidify. The problem is cognitive our our part: it’s easy when reading to suffer from things like anchoring bias - where the first thing we read colors everything - or recency bias - where the last thing we read overwrites other information. If you add to that the fact that the source posts are by their nature selective and often ambiguous (even to the poster) then it’s hard to definitely state anything. You have to use your results as the biggest guide.

Good luck. I hope you get great gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey, thank you for your answer.
I bet you are a great dude, if I ever visit GB again (I think I read somewhere that you are a Brit), maybe we can hang. As in get a beer lol.

What I meant to say about the plateau is that if you practice high intensity in the beginning of PE and not gradually build into it, there is a chance that your body will give you a, let’s say, 5% growth. But it could also give you this 5% with a lesser intensity. The downside being that you won’t have a lot of intensity to work with and your body won’t respond the same and keep growth coming as it would if you had a more slow paced approach.

And I think I read somewhere in this thread that you mentioned something about your cells toughening up if you go too hard too soon (I think it was a hanging discussion).
But these are just thoughts that stuck with me because I believe in them. As you said, I might have this opinion changed as time goes by and I read more stuff.

Anyway, I am a big fan of your approach, I have just read your "15min routine". The explanations and common sense + logical and technical descriptions of the exercises (as in to visualise and understand what’s happening down there) are by far the best I have read on this forum. I will go for the Newbie Linear, when gains stop coming I will go for your 15 min routine (maybe small adjustments for my own case, I will decide once I have the knowledge and understand more of PE) and than this routine for sure, again in a linear way.
Maybe some 2weeks breaks between them.

Once again, thank you, and may the gains (not only financial) you make in life make you twice as happy as the PE gains have made you.

I’ve lived in all but one continent.

It’s always sensible to try and get the most gain with the least work. My experience was not the gradual buildup. I went headlong in with a fairly sharp intensity buildup. It meant really good growth and the occasional minor injury. I probably got lucky but also I was very focused on quick results and using feedback to guide intensity. Lots of measuring. I like data.

There’s a big difference between static load (hanging) and doing something that stretches the penis in all directions with variance. The penis will adapt quickly, so your job is to make sure that it can’t.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Is the one continent Antarctica?

By the way, what are your thoughts on this:

"Linear periodization progressively increases in intensity with minor variations in each microcycle. Beginner athletes typically utilize this type of training where the program starts with a higher initial volume then progresses to a lower volume as intensity increases."

It’s found in bodybuilding and not only.

Maybe translated into PE it would be something like start with 20 minutes worth of stretching, but on a scale of 1-10 with a 2 intensity and "progress" to 5 minutes with a 9 intensity. I don’t think I am willing to try it, just curious if you have some logical insights about it, I can’t connect the dots.

I am also a big fan of statistics and "manual labour" btw.
Also, for keeping the tissue warm, I found an interesting tool, it is sold in pharmacies. Don’t know the English name for it, it’s a bag made out of some sort of thermo-plastic, designed to warmup parts of your body. You just fill it with hot water and it molds nicely on the shaft, keeping the inside temperature constant for a long time.

This isn’t muscle development, it’s fascia,ligament and skin reshaping so the rules of body building and athletics only apply a little. I don’t think you need to warm up in that way. Think in terms more of stretching all axes beyond their elastic limit. Think of processes like stretching tendons and tenderizing meat, there’s lots of info out there on that. Heat is important.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey Mems,
I can only do one sesh a day. Should I start with the morning or evening routine? Which is more important before moving into the full routine?

Once my schedule opens up will defs be doing both morning and evening. I’ll check back in a month for progress. Taking this seriously for the next 30 days

It’s combined thing. As with last time on this thread use it as a template and alter to what you want or can do. Piecemeal is not the same synergistic system. Maybe you can find a different route to that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thank you , I am going to try this as I am past the beginner stage in manuals and ready to try new angles


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