Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

I have seen.

About 5x3 mm’s after 2-3 months of doing this. I was still considered as non-conditioned, so it was probably the first intense routine of mine.

If you have time for this routine, try it.

I am going to try this routine seems very promising I just need to follow it precisely and not skip warm ups and warm downs. Anyone have results from this routine?

Start 6.75X4.9

Now 7.5X5.1

Would a one month deconditioning break be sufficient, coming from 6 months of regular extender usage (Between 4-5 hours daily)? Considering this seems an intense routine maybe adding 2 weeks of deconditioning more wouldn’t hurt.

I don’t think you’d need deconditioning. You might need conditioning.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I doubt that.

6 Months of newbie, 18 months of extender usage, 6 months hanging, 6 months of pumping and 3 months of clamping. All routines with sufficient heat and jelqing between sets.

What did you do last?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hi Memento,

I have been PE for 2 months my routine is similar but just one session.

*10 min warm up.
*10 min stretches (6 Directions) while warming.
*20 min jelqs.
*10 min warm down.

You think this routine is to much for me?
Lately I have not been feeling my penis tiered after the work outs I’m I under-training or just doing it wrong??


Originally Posted by memento
What did you do last?

6 months of extending.

You might need to ease into the girth portion and you might find the stretching portion less effective. At a guess.


That’s more like the newbie routine. It depends on the effort you are putting in.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
You might need to ease into the girth portion and you might find the stretching portion less effective. At a guess.


That’s more like the newbie routine. It depends on the effort you are putting in.

Yes, I’m doing the newbie routine. Wanted to use the one you suggested because mine do not tire my penis out anymore.

I think he got accustomed to it. I need to mix it up keep him guessing?

This is a rather advanced routine for 2 months in. Be careful if you choose to use it. You might find that simply working on the efficiency in your current routine gives you what you need. I’ve talked about that a lot already here Mem’s 15 Minute Routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
You might need to ease into the girth portion and you might find the stretching portion less effective. At a guess.

I may just cut the duration of the girth routine in half and add time progressively. I did clamp for 9 sets of 10 minutes, split over morning, afternoon and evening. So I’ll see where I end up at.

Only wonder whether a longer deconditioning break is beneficial. No idea how to gauge that, other than during my time hanging.

Attached a piece of felcro to the side of the pot, enough that the velcro’s hooks dig into the chair i’m sitting on. This allows a little more freedom since I can use both hands to hold a v-stretch, keeps the pot from sliding away and allows you to ever so gently rock back and forth turning the pot into a fulcrum that will pivot and thus hit more than just one spot.

May help somebody out there.

Last edited by DomXZ : 09-11-2016 at .

If the size of the cream pot is right it should fit in between the legs against the balls and you should be able to stretch your penis straight down, all of these should prevent the pot from moving unless you are letting go of your grip for the next rep, you should also have no problem gripping with two hands . I used the suggested cream pot though, perhaps your idea broadens the number of brands and size one can use :) .

Yeah, I would need a much taller pot. But the velcro works.


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