Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Could you start with a 3 on/ 1off routine?

After a few months 4on/1off.

Start: BP: 17.9, NBP: 16.8, MSEG: 14.0

Goal: NBP: 18.5, MSEG: 15.0

Dream: NBP: 20.0, MSEG: 16.0

You can do whatever you want. It’s your routine. There’s nothing wrong with those cadences but 5 on 2 off gives you lots of work followed by lots of recovery time. Recovery time is important and getting enough work done in the work time is also important. Try for yourself and tune it for you.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I have another question:
I have been doing the newbie for almost 3 months, can I start this routine?

Thanks for the replies.

Start: BP: 17.9, NBP: 16.8, MSEG: 14.0

Goal: NBP: 18.5, MSEG: 15.0

Dream: NBP: 20.0, MSEG: 16.0

Are you still gaining on the newbie routine? If yes stick with it until gains slow.

If no maybe consider gradually morphing what you do into something like this or start this carefully and gradually. If you’ve never done a horse440 before be extremely careful of that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Ok thank you very much.

Start: BP: 17.9, NBP: 16.8, MSEG: 14.0

Goal: NBP: 18.5, MSEG: 15.0

Dream: NBP: 20.0, MSEG: 16.0

Bumping this classic thread. So much good info!

Started: BPEL 6.5", EG 4.5"

Current: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.3"

Goal: BPEL 8.5", EG 5.5"

Originally Posted by memento
I think that the jelq is one of the most misunderstood exercises. It took me about 3 months to learn the intricacies of jelqing, exactly how much pressure could be brought to bear, using downward strokes with holds to add a lig stretch and increase the pressure on a flagging erection, using upwards strokes and pulling the penis at the root while the erection is solid, maintaining a good stroke flow so that you retain half the pump from the last stroke.

In the jelqing part you mention about a solid erection, I thought jelqing was usually done with a semi or there abouts?

I linked this to give you a couple of girth exercises there are much better resources on jelqing. This barely scratches the surface.

However, that’s a fair point. At the time this was written I wasn’t differentiating between erection and engorgement. You’ll find a lot of people have posted with a similar blurring in language. You know you have an erection because there is a rigidity to it and if you found the Ted talk I mentioned previously you’ll understand some of the mechanics of that. It’s the directions of the fibers in the hydrostatic skeleton. If you haven’t here’s a link.

Diane Kelly: What we didn’t know about penis anatomy | TED Talk

So what do we call it when the penis is 100% engorged but not erect i.e. rigid? We don’t have a great way of describing that. So when you hear people talking about erections they are mostly talking about engorgement.

Then we have to deal with another point and that’s “erection level” or, more properly, engorgement level. I’ve often stated that I would tend to jelq at an 80%+ engorgement/erection level. But I’m speaking in volume terms and 20% is a lot less blood. Other people seem to have different descriptions of what 80% might mean which places it a lot closer to 100% engorgement. I’ve yet to understand this other method of defining engorgement, despite 20+ years discussing the subject. It seem amorphous.

To speak basically for a second, to jelq or do any other form of PE you don’t want to be erect (rigid) but you often need to be engorged and sometimes you’re aiming at engorgement levels greater than your erect volume. For example with the Horse 440 you trap blood in the penis to larger than 100% of erect level engorgement (a kegel helps). You then squeeze the glans somehow and the point of this is to restrict the volume of the upper CCs. You could alternatively pinch at another point in the shaft. The end result is engorgement in the rest of the CC at higher than 100%. It’s the same with a Uli#3 but instead of restricting the CCs at the glans you push a very tight grip further up the shaft.

Be very careful when you are playing with exercises like the Horse 440. Your penis can fail in unexpected ways. When doing a Horse 440 I would always apply the stationary grip behind the glans softly and push it down to the base, to deflate the superficial veins. I discovered this after rupturing one of these veins.

You’ll understand the difference between engorgement and erection a lot better if you try plumped bends. You can’t do an “erect bend” as they were often called in the past. The penis is too rigid. You’d cause the wrong kind of damage. You have to wait until that rigidity has faded. But you probably do want to be > 100% engorged and of course well heated.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Really good info thank you.
So much to learn still.

I have difficulty keeping anything above 20-30% erect level when jelqing. Do you feel this is too low? I just kept stopping every so often to apply a warm cloth to pump it up a bit

There’s no point in jelqing with too low an erection level. I would think 60% by volume or lower is too low. If you jelq with too low an erection you’ll end up gripping too tightly to compensate and then the pressure in the shaft will raise as you go up or your grip will be too weak to do anything. That’s Not what you want. The grip has to match the erection level and give you similar pressure all the way up the shaft. That pressure above the grip should increase the size of the shaft beyond normal erection levels. Not to the extent of a Uli#3.

It’s reasonable to stop whenever your engorgement fades and recover before continuing to jelq. Over time there should be less recovery time needed in a session.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Be very careful when you are playing with exercises like the Horse 440. Your penis can fail in unexpected ways. When doing a Horse 440 I would always apply the stationary grip behind the glans softly and push it down to the base, to deflate the superficial veins. I discovered this after rupturing one of these veins.

+1 :up:

No importa lo chica, mediana o grande con lo que uno empieza. Importa el trabajo y compromiso con nuestro propósito, hacerlo crecer en tamaño y funcionalidad es la meta. Compartir en la comunidad con respeto, unidad y comprensión nos hace mejores personas, así crecemos como hombres.


Originally Posted by memento
There’s no point in jelqing with too low an erection level. I would think 60% by volume or lower is too low. If you jelq with too low an erection you’ll end up gripping too tightly to compensate and then the pressure in the shaft will raise as you go up or your grip will be too weak to do anything. That’s Not what you want. The grip has to match the erection level and give you similar pressure all the way up the shaft. That pressure above the grip should increase the size of the shaft beyond normal erection levels. Not to the extent of a Uli#3.

It’s reasonable to stop whenever your engorgement fades and recover before continuing to jelq. Over time there should be less recovery time needed in a session.

Ok that’s helpful, thank you

Mem, what’s your opinion on doing the morning routine everyday and ending with a bathmate to cement gains as opposed to a strict warm wrap? Been doing this in the shower and I’ve gained 0.2cm!

Happy for your gains. Be careful with the bathmate, no pressure gauge, but generally pumping is used by a lot of people to cement gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hello all, hello memento!

Reading things in this thread makes me so envy of you. Not because of your gains and all, but because of your knowledge. I am eager to learn, so I can understand what’s going on and how all of this (PE) is working. My guess is that until you figure things out and truly understand how gains are made, they can only happen if you’re lucky (probably except the first 2-3 months). Patience is not a virtue of mine, but I must master it if I want to see results (though I only started yesterday haha).
I have one question, since I am a noob: what does "20 mins inverted V stretch mean". Is it just one stretch where you hold for 20 mins? Or are there X sets with Y reps, totaling 20 mins. I am not event thinking about trying it, I am just doing some really mild stretches after the warm cloth, before the jelqing (starting with Linear Newbie Routine). So I am looking for a 2 month "warm-up" period so my guy gets used to being exercised. If I get some gains good, otherwise I gain experience and master the basics of jelqing.

I am looking forward to trying your routine, but I think it will only happen next year. Meanwhile, I will integrate all of the exercises, in one form or another, in any type of routine I will go for. This makes me think of a second question. I know mainly how the human body works and adapts to change. So I am, generally speaking, a fan of changing routines more often than other people do (I guess). So it doesn’t get used to what you are doing and say "meeeh, you’re doing the same old stuff, I am going to stay still now". So my question is: what’s the minimum I should keep a routine? I guess I should change things when I notice the gains are not coming anymore or are insignificant. But how patient should I be when starting a new routine? I would be happy with 3cm in length over one year, since I’m now at 14 BPEL, I hope these are realistic goals.
And do you think that being a hard gainer (in muscle mass, I am an ectomorph and it’s quite difficult for me to add muscle mass) will probably make me a hard gainer in the PE as well?

Thank you for all the free info and knowledge you share with us!


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